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  1. B

    so fucked

    So I'm growing in corn and its starting to get cut around here so I decided to move one plant to a younger corn patch.... Well-known I think growing in corn is a bad idea now!! I'm about 1 week in flower and don't feel like I got much of the roots (although I don't think there is a great root...
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    corn fields

    I was wondering if anyone grows in corn?? I know corn grows super fast and might be a reason not too plus not knowing when its getting cut but any advise or tips??
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    Grow too long?

    So I see all these posts of people wondering if their plant is ready to be harvested, but I was wondering what would happen if you let the plant grow too long? Negative things? I mean just seems everyone is too anxious to harvest, its been 5 +- months of growing what if u said f it and let it...
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    sorta sad "story" i just read but makes you think

    When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad", you'd shake your finger at me and ask "how could you?" But then you'd...
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    Intelligent Plant Light

    Saw this earlier and was wondering if anyone has ever experimented with one? Its only 9 watts but thought might be something useful for starting a seedling untill it can go outdoors? Any thoughts?
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    Pool players..

    Who enjoys playing pool? What stick do you prefer? And if you do play pool and enjoy looking at nice sticks check out amazing art. Just got a predator p2 and a mcdermott on tuesday :)
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    mushroom harvesting..

    Was just thinking about mushrooms and decided to look them up on wikipedia and it seems that many of them grow in the northwestern us ( california, and washington). Was wondering if anyone harvests wild psychoactive mushrooms?? How often and what do you get?
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    marijuana alternitives...

    I was just on amazon looking at pipes and a listing for Damiana came up. Have never herd of it but sounds like there are also a few mixes out there mugwort, scull cap, mullien... Anybody ever smoke Damiana? :idea:
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    Ever been to rehab?

    Just wondering what its like. Would like to hear your experiance.
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    feetless people? just have to wonder whats going on!? This has been going on for quite some time.
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    Random things to think about.

    So was a little messed up last night thinking and came up with 3 questions. 1. If you could go back and sleep with your first would you?? 2. Ever wonder how long you are going to live? 3. If you or someone you knew could hack the government and do something crazy like erase the database...
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    Where would you rather be?

    Post a pic of somewhere you would rather be right now. my favorite bar chat n chill wish i could get a kalik from kendall right now and all nite too
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    Weirdest Spot You've Lost Something...

    my friend and i were listening to the radio and they were talking about the guy loosing his remote in his fridge... my friend started laughing and said it has happened to him lol has anyone else ever lost their remote in the fridge or something funny like that?
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    Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

    Is it innocent untill proven guilty or guilty untill proven innocent?? what do you think?
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    Anyone Been To Bahamas?

    going to the bahamas and was wondering about weed. I know the laws are different there and someone yesterday told me I was most likely to get set up being a tourist just to get extra money out of me. Small island im going to think i should just risk getting a little bit there rather then to...
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    Anyone hike the AT?

    Was just wondering if anyone here has hiked the applachian trail? Distances? Good stories? Photos....
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    Spider Could Cause Car To Explode??? LOL!

    Heres a link to a news article I just read. WTF!? Lol
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    So i was at my friends house grabbing some green and he called me back in the house after i walked out said he wanted to show me something. He walks over to his freezer and pulls out a tupperware container with lime green butter. He said his person gave it to him to try to sell but he didn't...
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    super bowl dessert question

    So the bar that I frequent is having a super bowl party. If you sign up to bring something its free if not there is a $10 charge. I signed up to bring a dessert but really don't have any idea what I should take. Anyone have any ideas?
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    people or things that piss you off!!!

    Just a post for fun to let people vent! Someone that just pisses you off and makes you feel like if they weren't on your mind you would be HIGH lol. For instance I'm tired of my ex playing games with my head.. lol