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  1. krunkpot

    Proper use of bat guano

    Hey guys, Should bat guano be sprinkled on soil or mixed with water for a flowering plant? Thanks
  2. krunkpot

    Is it to late?

    Hey guys, I have a plant that i started in late april that is now in the flowering stage. It is just now beginning to plump up and produce trichomes. I have been giving this plant Super thrive and Fox Farm grow big. I Have not yet givin her flowering nutrirents and am wondering if it is to...
  3. krunkpot

    how much weed can you buy .

    Anybody know how much medical marijuana can be purchased in one vistit at cannabis clubs in california?
  4. krunkpot

    Is it worth it?

    Whats up guys? My buddy got a free quarter pound of some brownish/light greenish weed from his dealer. Needless to say, the stuff is coated in little THc granules. My question is, does anybody know a general number or estimated amount of hash that one can expect to get from an ounce of bud...
  5. krunkpot

    Best CFL setup?

    whats up guys, I recently sold my 250 watt HPS lamp do to heat and hassle and now would like to give Cfl's a try. I have the room to grow about 5 plants indoor and wanted to know what you guys thought would be the proper wattage for that many plants. I have about 150 bucks to spend on...
  6. krunkpot

    Is this legit?

    Sup guys, im going to undertake my first Guerilla grow. ive heard different opinions about this, but is it okay to let 2-3 plants grow in the same pot? Ive heard that the rutes can get intwined and it can jepordize plant size. Can anybody give me some advice on this?
  7. krunkpot

    soaking seeds in Superthrive.

    Anybody have any experience with this?
  8. krunkpot

    Any grown thai stick?

    Im kind of interested in this strain, has anyone had any experience with it?
  9. krunkpot

    post pics of your smoking utensil...

    Like the title says post pictures of your smoking utensil... heres my bong, ive had her for about 5 months now. and a picture of last years out door crop :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
  10. krunkpot

    best size Carbonfilter for 4-5 plants?

    DOes any1 know what size carbon filter would be best suited for 4-5 flowering plants?
  11. krunkpot

    How to get mushroom spores in California???

    Does anyone know how to acquire mushroom spores in California? Its illegal to ship them to Ca. Can they be extracted easily?
  12. krunkpot

    measuring a bong bowl

    hey guys i just got a new bong and i love it but im not to happy with the key,I want to buy a new one online but i have no clue how to figure out what size the inlet is. Its glass on glass. Is there a way to measure these? thanks:leaf:
  13. krunkpot

    My new bong

    Hey all, I got a new bong today, actually its my first bong, everything else ive had have been pipes and bubblers. its about a foot tall, maybe a little bit bigger. Has a female with multiple drilled holes at the bottom(this is called a diffuser right?) It has a Ash catcher, the style where it...
  14. krunkpot

    Darkest indoor strain?

    Anybody know what the darkest indoor strain is? BLack Dominia looks pretty bomb, but id like to see what other ppl think.
  15. krunkpot

    strange leaf discoloration

    ive noticed some very slight leaf discoloration around the bottom leafs of my plant, its 24 days old and vegging. Ive only noticed it on the 2 bottom leaves and its only on the tips of the leaf. Its very slight yellowy areas with what looks to be brown dots on it. I can try to take a picture but...
  16. krunkpot

    does water purification make that much of a differnce?

    is smoke that passes through a body of water before inhaled that much healthier than smoked thats not?
  17. krunkpot


    Has anyone smoked any of this or grown it? It looks really good on the paradise seeds website. Any body grown it?:bigjoint:
  18. krunkpot

    How is a seed feminized?

    Ive been trying to figure this out for a while, how is a seed feminized? Can seeds be masculized as well? Thanks:leaf:
  19. krunkpot

    making homemade nutes?

    does anyone do this? Ive always been curious about that.bongsmilie:peace:
  20. krunkpot

    lowering temprature/raising RH

    Hey guys I got my hygrometer to find out that my grow room is 86 degrees F, and my humidity is at 41%. My plant is growing really fast and is healthy but im still concerned. Ive heard that putting a bucket of water in a grow room will raise the Humidity because of the water evaporating, is...