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  1. darklawliet

    help please

    After much reading and deciding, i decided for my first grow im just gonna grow some plants out in the back, maintain them properly but trim amd maintain size and basically wait it out untill i notice its started to flower the just count down the weeks untill it seema ready. Is this viable or...
  2. darklawliet

    Couchlockers check out fringe!

    I just finished season 1 of the sci-fi modern "X-Filesy" themed show Fringe. Fuck writing a big review, im just gonna lay down why i think you couchlockers should watch it, cause i wanna watch season 2 now xD 1) if youre a mad stoner, love trippy shit and mad gorey creative deaths and...
  3. darklawliet

    Indy glass collection

    Wassup everyone! YEA hey so basically i want to start a glass collection to display on a shelf! but i only want pieces from independant glass blowers :) as in someone that does this as a hobbiest or enthisiast or something. Nothong buissnessy, because i truely want every piece of the collection...
  4. darklawliet

    bad trips SUCK!

    Hey guys, uncool moment just minutes before. Dont feel like bringing up details, but dont wanna have to fight off friends bugging me to know if i go to them :/ And so no personal dramas but. I was watching a show, and it ended off really well.. but in a state of thought that lead me to some...
  5. darklawliet

    experiments with trichomes?

    Hey all i just got new electric grinder amd im gonna stockpile up on trichomes :) apart from the odd dusty cone here and there are there any other random ideas i could look up and give a go?
  6. darklawliet

    What would you do in this rain machine? I would love to take acid and walk around in there o.o that would be mind boggelingly incredible!
  7. darklawliet

    I dunno, but it sure is beautiful :)

    Okay, I can't lie. I'm not in my late 20's, 30's. I am just 19 and pretty damn inexperienced. But in Australia it's common place to start this shit early, I myself Started around 13 :/ With pride thou I will say I bust my ass off every day to make a living and don't run around like a fuck wit...
  8. darklawliet

    my thoughts on dynamo.

    So i was watching that new dynamo magician film thing with my dad sharing some beautiful bud, and i have concluded to myself that. A) you believe in magic, and believe the things you see are magic because thats exactly what you want to believe! :) B) You dont believe in magic, but then you...
  9. darklawliet

    Best mug ever theory!

    Okay guys bare with this one! Imagine a battery powered or rechargeble coffee travel mug With an air tight sip hole. (You hold a button and it lets you drink whatevers in it, they allready exist) So no liquid escapes once the lid is screwed on, even if you hold it upside down. And then had a...
  10. darklawliet

    first timer help?

    Hey guys ive never grown mj before properly and id love to do it mostly so i can use scrap for other products (you know, save myself abit of cash) as opposed to waiting around for scrap from mates or simply eating a "yolo biscuit" and just buying a Q or whatever. Im just interested in a flat...