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  1. G

    Somebody help Please

    The first two are of a Sour D plant and the others are U.K. Cheese. They're both about a month into flowering and have been experiencing these leaves that start yellow then the edges and tips turn brown and finally they curl up and die or fall off. My first instinct was that this was nitrogen...
  2. G

    PICS! Help!! UK Cheese and Sour D Please Help Me!!

    The first two are of a Sour D plant and the others are U.K. Cheese. They're both about a month into flowering and have been experiencing these leaves that start yellow then the edges and tips turn brown and finally they curl up and die or fall off. My first instinct was that this was nitrogen...
  3. G

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderbud

    Hey I have a plant that is pretty far into flowering (6 weeks) and I just recently found a spider web connecting to two of the buds. Upon farther investigation I discovered a spider curled up sleeping on the top of one of the buds. I have heard that they can be good for the plant because they...
  4. G

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderbud

    Hey I have a plant that is pretty far into flowering (6 weeks) and I just recently found a spider web connecting to two of the buds. Upon farther investigation I discovered a spider curled up sleeping on the top of one of the buds. I have heard that...
  5. G

    Crazy Colors and I Don't Know What it is.

    Hey I have an Afghani Kush (hog) plant that is About a month and a week into the flowering stage. I noticed that there was a nitrogen deficiency because of the droopiness and the increasing yellowness of the leaves. I fed it a fertilizer with a good supply of nitrogen in it and three days...
  6. G

    Rain harmful or helpful?

    :leaf:I have a hog plant (afghani kush) and it has been flowering for about 4 weeks now. It recently started raining on and off for the past couple of days and it soaked the buds a couple times. I heard that rain is bad because it could wash away trichromes. Is this true? And does anyone know if...
  7. G

    Marijuana Moisture Level

    Hey, I just got a soil moisture reader and I didn't know what level to water it at. The details on the back of the package have different specs for like 40 plants. None of them are cannabis indica, of course. Does anyone know if there is another common plant that I can model after a marijuana...
  8. G


    hey this is my first plant and its about 5 weeks into flowering and still has a way to go and i forgot my watering schedule and way overwatered it. Now every single leaf is wilted and browned. The actual buds are starting to turn brown. Should i just harvest now or will it be fine. Aslo is there...