Search results

  1. MasterK

    chunky glass pipes

    yo wat up everyone Has anyone ordered from this site. They got sum good shit on there but i have read some good and bad reviews on the customer service and shipping shit. help me out are they legit?
  2. MasterK

    Best place online to get a Bong.

    hey guys im looking to get a bong because im bord of smoking out of a pipe. What the best/reliable website where i can pick up a nice bong. I was going to get a vaporizer but through sum research, i found that you really have to spend a lot of money if you want a good vaporizer and i don't have...
  3. MasterK

    Fast Shipping from Nirvana

    what up guys just got me sum of my white widows from nirvana. shipment came in like a week very fast and pretty good stealth. Wont say how it came but im happy that i got my first order. try to germ (hopefully) ight pce
  4. MasterK

    Fox Farm Nutes

    hey guys just was wondering if any body had great results using Foxfarm Big Bloom nutes which is for flowering or Foxfarm Grow Big nutes which is fo vegatative? Im getting some ocean forest which i heard was the best soil but was wondering if i should pick up sum nutes. I currently has miracle...
  5. MasterK

    Vaporizer help

    alright before you everyone gets pissed at me i know there is a search engine but i couldn't find the right info. Any way im looking to get a vaporizer and saw the HotBox Vaporizer advertised in the vapor section of this site. I was wondering if anyone has used this product and if it a lot...
  6. MasterK

    Sign here if youve Smoked Weed

    Alright guys sign here in this thread if you are a fan or user of marijuana. Also give details of what your favorite marijuana is and all the different plants youve grown, and fun times..... have fun!
  7. MasterK

    Low wattage heaters

    hey guys i just moved my set up to a smaller closet but its getting pretty cold where could i get a low wattage electric space heater that could just heat a small closet about 2 feet wide and 5 feet long?
  8. MasterK


    yo what up guys yo how do you flush soil i understand that u should flush in the last weeks of flowering so the plant can use all its stored nutrients but how can i flush without hurting my plant in the future
  9. MasterK

    Wtf Neighbors Dog

    yo guys its the seccond time now that im smoke sum shit with the widows open and my neighbors dog fuckin like screeches and bark like its going fucking nuts. it scares the shit out of me because im baked as a motherfucker and i gett paranoid of my neighbors knocking on my door with the police...
  10. MasterK

    Would you like to see......

    the first Hallucenegetic Marijuana?! That would be amazing what you guys think?
  11. MasterK

    Metal Halide vs HPS

    hey guys I dont know if this was already made a thread but if so i apologize. What is better to use through both stages of growth MH or HPS. Im looking to use one bulb for both. And can you use a MH bulb in a High Pressure Sodium Fixture thanks guys
  12. MasterK

    My Thoughts

    Hey everyone I was just tokin and thinking and was wondering that if the whole world was high off smokin bud, like everyone on the planet, don't you guys think that this world would be peaceful like no more violence war or hate its a cool thing to think about. everyone just being high. :wall...
  13. MasterK

    Is this a good starter plant

    yo guys i just ordered from nirvana sum white widow and was wonderin if thats a good starter plant i heard sum people say that its easy to grow but idk. and also, is G13 labs from the attitude have good gentics? thanks guys:leaf:
  14. MasterK

    Does Nirvana ship to U.S.

    topic thanks guys
  15. MasterK

    got any ideas

    Hey im gonna be ordering from the attitude soon and was wondering was was the sheapest seeds on the site i can use just to gain experience for growing i dont care about quality or yeild i just want to understand this more thanks buds
  16. MasterK

    my first grow help

    hey buds, i have a question for u guys. im growing about 3 plants for personal use in a very small area im not getting too extreme wit growing im just done with street shit ya know. i was wondering can i growing pretty good shit just for myself if i use 3 75watt output CFL and one halogen 100...
  17. MasterK

    question about flowering

    yo what up guys, when flowerin occurs, i have two wuestions, do i water the leaves like i do in veg growth or do i water the buds? and how much water do i give the plant during guessing the same right? thanks bros:blsmoke:
  18. MasterK

    Please Read If you buy seeds

    Hey guys just to let everyone know, I was messing around on Nirvana shop looking for some beans and i kept getting Trojan attempts that my virus protection picked up on and I know its not just happening randomly because im on the same window of internet explorer as the nirvana website just...
  19. MasterK

    HPS question

    hey guys i recently just purchased a 150w HPS bulb now being that im a noob with lights, i tried putting in the same thing i used for the flood light i attempted but it didnt light up. What do i need to get the hps running and where can i get it. thanks guys:wall:
  20. MasterK

    Do I have to?????

    Hey guys whast up? I was just in the neighborhood and was wondering, do I have to cure marijuana. Listen, I could care less about how smooth the smoke is i just want some dank ass bud to stoned with, i dont care about taste or texture if that makes sense. Will NOT curing marijuana take away from...