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  1. neoShogun911

    New glass pics

    HEY i just got a some new glass and thought i would invite yall to post pictures of your new glass purchases... i would like to keep this thread purely NEW glass and the first bowl packed in it.......... OH and if you know the strain of the herb you "de-verginized" the glass with post that too...
  2. neoShogun911

    when cool people go M.I.A.

    the loaded dragon wanted me to start this thread to let anyone that cares know that he is ok... he got his internet turned off... so as soon as that gets fixed he will be back in action and you all will be hearing from him much more offten.... has anyone else ever developed a cool relationship...
  3. neoShogun911

    does a shower kill your buzz???

    i have heard from quite a few people that hopping in the shower after smoking is a good way to just kill your buzz completely.... HOWEVER: i quite like showers after i smoke due to the relaxing nature of the water running... even if i just stand there and zone out on the water hitting me for...
  4. neoShogun911

    "marijuana: the new date rape drug"

    thats right. not sure who or how but this is an argument heard from the government on why pot should stay illegal supposedly there is a study that says marijuana will cause women to be unfaithfull to their spouces/boyfriends maybe someone else knows more about the argument... i just wanted...
  5. neoShogun911

    ...Come One, Come All...

  6. neoShogun911

    ...Come One, Come All...

    Are you tired of seeing crops get raided? Does the paranoia of driving around with a baggy in your pocket make you sick? Are you fed-up with the government flooding all forms of media with lies about a plant that has help hundreds of thousands if not millions of people over the ages? What if i...