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  1. Keif.

    Yup, looking to convert to VERT - MICRO STYLE, need some help please..

    Hey all, I have been researching a lot as I am in the process of vegging out another round of "ladies and I think I have decided to go vert but I need some of your knowledge to make it happen with my current cabinet.. Just some background, Here is my old build thread of the cab I want to...
  2. Keif.

    Need advice on how to clean some stubborn resin

    Hey guys, this may sound like a stupid question, but I just can't seem to get the black specks off of the bottom of my stemless matrix perc tube. The black specks are on top and below of the perc and in the base of the stemless portion. I normally use 420 cleaner and it cleans the rest of my...
  3. Keif.

    NYC Weed Fairy.

    Thought this was pretty funny! What do you think? Would you smoke it? I dont think I would being as I have only been smoking my own buds for a while..
  4. Keif.

    DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube with Pictures

    I am hoping this can help some people and/or inspire them to improve upon my design. I always looked for other cab DIY threads and they arent TOO plentiful. Anyways, on with the show- What we need- Lighting- 150w HPS Digital 150w Ballast Cool Tube Ventilation- SP TD100 Fan (pictured is a...
  5. Keif.

    Any other plants ALSO use the 18/6 or 12/12 light schedules?

    Hello- I have been growing some herb for the past ten years and never really ventured outside of that. I have taken a pretty big interest in horticulture and also grow some cactus' and venus fly traps year round. HOWEVER- I am looking to use some of my old gear or cabinets for growing some...
  6. Keif.

    Air exchanged per minute versus ambient temp outside of cab

    Is there a general ratio between the air exchange times per minute versus the temperature of the cab compared to ambient temp outside of the cabinet? i am trying to figure out if my cab will stay cool with my setup before I buy the fan. I am running a 150w hps in a cool tube attached to the...
  7. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Hello everyone! I am new to RIU but I am active over on ICMag and WAS active on OG, many years ago. The old cab is gone, but I have made a new veg / flower cab. Plans- Lighting- Flower Cab- 150w HPS in a cool tube. Veg Cab- 125 CFL in veg Flower Cabinet- Ikea cabinet 4" SP fan - on...
  8. Keif.

    Hello, I am Keif..

    Whats up y'all. Just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am a micro / stealth grower. I do perpetual with my two cabs. I am making another cab to replace my old flower cab now. I will post a thread over in the micro section once I have time to transfer it all from another site. I have...