Search results

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    Where to buy good PC fans

    Does anyone have a good resource to buy 12volt pc fans. I looked at grainger and they are all below 30cfm is this normal. All input is appreciated
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    Does "Solarizing" Soil Work To Reduce Unwanted Weeds?

    In my veggie garden I have a severe weed problem, pardon the pun, with pig weed, sedge, goose grass etc. I try to make it as organic as possible, therefore do not like to use herdicide. I am also to lazy/busy to pull them all. Has anyone used this method before? How long should I leave plastic...
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    Miracle grow Organic

    Does anyone know if miracle grow organic potting soil is prone to the same ph and nutrient problems as its cousin miracle grow?
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    Miracle Grow ORGANIC

    Does anyone have experiance with mg organic, is it prone to salty nute lock or ph problems like its cousin MG?
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    Lst With Fem seeds

    Does lst with fem seeds cause a higher rate of hermie
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    Hey RIU

    When is the growfaq going to return?
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    Rating system

    How do we know what members are more seasoned in this site I.E. who we can trust???
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    Hello just saying hi to everyone. Been "lurkin" for a while. Enjoy the site lots of good info. Roll it up you rock.