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  1. W

    Major damage......

    Was doing a little cleaning in my tent and knocked down my circulation fan. Fell right onto my OG Kush girl thats a week into flower and snapped off one of the main side branches. This thing was literally hanging on by a couple of fibres it was snapped right through. I quickly tried to place...
  2. W

    Quick supercropping question... (split stem)

    Just done a first round of super cropping on my girls.... I split the stem a little on one of them (literally by a couple of millimetres) anything to worry about?
  3. W

    I found a golden lining for autos ... thank me later lol

    I dont spend all my time growing autos since i dont think the yield is that great etc etc BUT If you grow in a tent this is a good idea for some earlier bud while your waiting on your photo period plants. Its kind of a cheat for impatient people. If your growing from seeds it takes atleast...
  4. W

    what do you think is wrong? (pics)

    Kandy Kush from Reserva Privada. Im also running Bubblegum and OG Kush but this is the only plant i have concerns about. 5ltr pot (1.3 gal) dont want these plants that big tent is only 1m wide and 2m tall. Growing in compost mixed with perlite, guano, fish blood and bone meal. Using bio bizz...
  5. W

    anyone from colorado?

    im from the uk, during my yearly trip to cali this year me and a few friends are taking a road trip to colorado itll be july time. just wanted some recommendations on best city to stay in, bars/restaurants/weed shops and places to see etc all replies appreciated!
  6. W

    vanilla kush desktop grow

    from seed, planted in late april, had 2 weeks outside as a seedling then came indoors and sat on my desk under a regular 40w desklamp, planted in miracle gro, no nutes lol more of an experiment than anything but what do you guys think? apart from the low rate of growth im impressed, i never...
  7. W

    quick question about a plants maturity (alternating node related)

    so i posted a couple months back about my vanilla kush plant its my first time growing and its an experiment to see how late i can plant and still get something in return. its vanilla kush from barneys, i planted her as a seed on august 25th, just a couple weeks from 12/12 (in the uk) after...
  8. W

    what on earth is a forum cut?

    someone explain it to me please lol
  9. W

    Girl Scout Cookies.... The final word (cool info)

    I just learned this today so i thought id post this video. Im sure some people here already seen this since its quiet old, but i just seen it so im posting it for others like me lol everyone knows girl scout cookies came from the bay area, what a lot of people dont know but what the whole bay...
  10. W

    lets discuss stunted growth aka "lookin at the plant everday syndrome"

    this is for the n00bs like me mostly but for pros too if you had the same experience ive been checkin my plant everyday. im growing it on the window sill in London so weather hasnt been amazing. and i seriously thought my plant had stopped growing. everyday i was checkin it constantly and it...
  11. W

    whats the latest youve ever planted/heard of someone planting a seed outdoor?

    i planted a vanilla kush seed about 4 weeks ago lol and its already 12/12 here and has been for a couple weeks lol my plant is small but shes looking healthy lol its just an experiment too i wanted to grow a plant but real small. though this is smaller than i wanted lol
  12. W

    first 2 fan leaves dying off...... for my fellow n00bs

    so my little vanilla kush plant has started losing its first 2 fan leafs on the bottom. im not talking the embryo leaves. but the first 2 single fans that come right after those. i started freaking out a little and did some research online. suprisingly there wasnt much information on this but...
  13. W

    whats the latest on wax etc in Amsterdam?

    im going back soon. i tried some wax a few months back and it was so fuckin badass ive heard wax has been in dam for the last couple years or so but last time i went (which was a few months back) there was nothing in any of the coffee shops i went to? anyone?
  14. W

    $100 og.... Fao la ppl

    im from London, but i was in LA recently and one of my friends there was hooking me up with medical marijuana. One of the starins he got me was that $100 OG and it was by far the best shit are seeds of this available?
  15. W

    im taking one for the team.....

    running a little experiment for you motherfuckers my circumstances at present wont allow me to set up a grow tent. so im growing out of a pot by the window here in grey old London the catch, i cracked a vanilla kush seed 3 weeks ago (late august). i researched online whats the latest you...
  16. W

    n00bie guy

    smoked as a young teen. gave up for a few years now getting back to my beloved herb. spend time smoking between London, amsterdam and LA what up:bigjoint::bigjoint: