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  1. coll

    ROLLITUPS Combined smoking years of experience.

    I am curious if we ran a talley of rollitups combined years of smoking weed experience, hoiw high of a number we get. I'll start, I've smoked for 15 years now, every few threads ill incert the combined number. So how long have you smoked for?
  2. coll

    does australia smoke green weed?

    A friend of mine recently went to australia, she said while she was there a friend offered her some brown weed, shes like sure whatever i want some f-ing weed. Smokes it, turns out it has tobbaco mixed in? She's like WTF this is nasty, then they said "oh your from america, you like yours...
  3. coll

    RO water PPM base

    OK as stated before i have decided the barrage of 5 gallon jugs going in and out is a bit obvious so i switched out to RO in an area that is 800 PPM:spew: So Post RO with one of those 5 stage under sink filters is 500 PPM. how much should an RO filter bring that down? Is this variance normal...
  4. coll

    selecting a dehumidifier?

    any tips on selecting dehumidifier, cost range and power consumption. back ground: 80 plants flower room, well ventilated 50% pre dehumidifier.
  5. coll

    what does everyone do for water?

    I bought an RO system, it was getting conspicuous all of the bottles carrying back and forth.
  6. coll

    Out door odor control

    Are there any plants that you can plant outside to mask odor of an outdoor grow?
  7. coll

    what hight would you induce ww flower for scrog

    what hight would you induce ww for flower for scrog from clones, any body have any heights to keep it around 3 feet at harvest?, Or less.
  8. coll

    Quartering scrog screen

    My question is in reference to a perpetual harvest scrog setup. The question is about the screens covering 1/4 of your harvest at a time; in four parts total: How do you hang your screens over a large square in quadrants and are still able to cut down only 1/4 of the screen at a time. I was...
  9. coll

    How do you keep your grow safe when supplying

    I am curious about a subject that seems to be taboo at times here, even though the dealer has brought us all our weed at one point or another, and arent always a PIA. That being said I am interested what kind of precautions people take when supplying dealers. I would think a good method...
  10. coll

    We arent really a fringe group, these guys are:

    As the subject says, why are we hunted as a fringe group when you have these complete nuts out there conspiring to commit homicide when they think something is what it isnt. I was shopping for a new tin foil hat last night when i found: OMFG lols.
  11. coll

    Ballast Kit question

    This question is for anyone that has built there own ballasts. If you were to build a multiple number of ballasts and you wanted a consistent way to assemble all of them. What would you use to house your ballast, i was thinking an 50 cal ammo can for each 400 watt ballast. And do these...
  12. coll

    Friction Loss equation air ducting? Max FPS

    Does anyone have any information on friction loss for different diameters of air ducting, in reference to loss per foot based on diameter. And does anyone have any info on statistics on average max CFPS can move through different diameters of ducting?
  13. coll

    Site safety? Not allot of veterans around?

    This question related to rollitup and to other sites in general. A little disclaimer proceeding to hopefully get some product from these questions as oppose to a butt load of flameing. Dont get me wrong there is a wealth of information on this forum and others. My question is based on a...