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  1. GRoot

    Need ideas on unusual space.

    I have a closet that is 6ft long 2ft wide and 8 ft tall. I have several concerns. 1. Cool tubes or hoods? 2. 6" or 8" 3. What size inline fan(cfm's) 4. Wattage I have a small cab in there now running 4" and 400 watts. It is doing fine. However, I wish to convert the entire space to grow. This...
  2. GRoot

    Please help-nute prob?

    I am having the new growth go bad slowly on me. This is an applejack female that I am having problems with. I use earthjuice organics and can't figure out what I am doing wrong! She is 6 weeks old and is main lined. I use the whole line of earthjuice and I bubble it. I adjust the PH to 6.5. What...