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  1. T

    Ecoscraps Organic Potting Mix

    Hey guys, this is my first grow and saw this cheap organic mix at Target so gonna give it a shot! im doing outdoor growing. Anyone else use this before? Heres some info on the product. EcoScraps Potting Mix – 8 Quarts $6.99 Designed specifically for indoor or outdoor potted plants, our...
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    First Time Grower

    This is my first time trying to grow. I plan on doing it outside, and my seeds are germinating. The only question I have that i just cant seem to find, or maybe im just too dumb to understand is the soil. Theres so much info out there that maybe its just too hard for me to wrap my brain...
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    First pic of my first plant!

    I started germinating 8 days ago, and this is what it looks like now! Its my first time growing and my first plant as well, Does it look ok? ! I've been putting it outside during the day, and bringing it in overnight. Thanks guys!
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    Noob Question about seeding/planting

    It seems everywhere I go I get differwnt answers. I know this has probably been asked a million times and I apologize. I germinated my seeds and planted them in small pots and put them outside on the back deck where its the suniest. I live in Boston. Was just wondering is it ok to leave them...