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  1. Apocalyptic Feasting

    aerogarden ph help!

    My ph stays exactly 7 in my aerogarden at all times basically. it just works out that way every time i test it. my plants seem to be PERFECTLY happy, fat, and bushy. however, everybody seems to say i should lower it and make it more acidic. would it really be that much more beneficial? Thanks!
  2. Apocalyptic Feasting

    wasting our tax dollars.

    man its DRY out here
  3. Apocalyptic Feasting

    Droopy top leaves near!!!..pic

    Image of sad - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting this is one of my plants that lives outside. its top leaves started doing this the other day. anybody know whats up? the rest of the plant is perfectly happy. No bugs, no spots, its perfectly happy looking and green, it is also getting...
  4. Apocalyptic Feasting

    Help!Transporting my aerogarden plants!

    Ok so im moving in a month. i have 4 plants 4 weeks into veg in the AG. When i transport them while i move, i need to get all the water out of the ag. i was thinking of getting one of those styrofoam UPS shipping coolers, and filling the bottom with a little water, and putingt a styrofoam...
  5. Apocalyptic Feasting

    aerogarden foxfarm feeding schedule???

    ok so i just switched over to using the fox farm grow big in my AG. HOW OFTEN should i feed them, should it still be every 2 weeks (or when the water level is low and im re-adding water) ??? thanks kids! :bigjoint:
  6. Apocalyptic Feasting

    I found a new way to get rid of bugs!!!

    I figured this out on accident and ever since i discovered it, I still can't believe how good it works. Set out a small bowl or glass near your plants and fill it up with WITCH HAZEL. (available in any grocery/drug store in the first aid section) . For some reason, all kinds of plant pests...