Search results

  1. travkatx

    Possible unknown mold?

    I recently noticed what appears to be some form of mold on my buds. It is unlike any of the cases of Botrytis I have ever seen. I have looked all around for spider mites in the area, thinking that it was all web. I have yet to find any evidence to support that theory. I have a 60x-100x...
  2. travkatx

    Ventilation issue

    Okay, excuse the mass detail. I have been having a slight issue with my ventilation system. Now I have been seriously considering building my own cool tube to help this situation, but that is a project for the future. The measurements of the room are 28"depth x 50" wide x 96"(8 ft) tall...
  3. travkatx

    Electricty cost?!!!

    I have been trying to run all the numbers I can when it is coming to setting up my new room. All of the numbers have been fine until now. I looked up how to determine the cost of the electricity for running the lights. I was horrified.:o How can anyone afford to run any system, non cfl? I dont...
  4. travkatx

    Complex problem!!!

    Ok I am having a little problem. I live in a house owned by my family which I rent out to people. My parents live overseas, they come back rarely but sometimes do. I am also a Botany study in college, not my major. Anyway, What I am trying to do is setup a system where I can stealthily grow weed...
  5. travkatx

    New to forums, returning to growing.

    Its been a few years since I did my first grow. Now I have a nice house and plenty of new room in my closet to start up again. I am really looking forward to the expertise, and advice from those who have been doing it longer than myself.