Search results

  1. AgingHead

    THC Level in Seedlings.

    On a mission for a friend, here are the details: Stopped for speeding and law saw him toss a roach out the window, law asked if there was anything else in vehicle he needed to know about. Search begins! Well what do we have here? 4 clone seedlings about 3" tall. Charges:Drugs Sche VI...
  2. AgingHead

    Bubblicious and what?

    Was given 9 clones to rescue, 4 had taken root but 5 needed re-cloning. Managed to save the 5 and all 9 are thriving in EarthBox's under 400w MH & HPS 18/6. After 3 weeks of rescue there is a definite difference in the plants. Of course my "Giver" is busting my balls for not identifying which...