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  1. compqt


    Due to Sandy I lost power for three days. My plants were in total darkness. I had autoflowers 5 weeks into grow. Should I chuck them and start new or let them grow? Thanks for your help
  2. compqt


    Ordered 5 Fem. Autoflowering White Russian seeds. I planted 2 and both are males. Is this Attitudes fault or does the blame fall on Lowlife since it came in its packaging?
  3. compqt

    Question RE: Males

    I have never grown out a male before. I am doing it now to collect pollen to make seeds. How many weeks into flowering do the sacks burst??
  4. compqt

    Do you believe this Sheriff

    All this douche bag wants is his 15 minutes of fame. Possesion, there shouldn't even be a charge for that. How much was in that bowl!! Even if a South Carolina sheriff is successful in building a marijuana case against swimming superstar Michael Phelps, it might be hard to make the charges...
  5. compqt

    Auto AK-47 & Auto Lemon Skunk Grow

    I started a Blue Cheese Grow in November which I was growing at my girlfriends but we broke up and I left the plants behind I figured I would go with the autos because of the 8-10 week harvest. That would put me right on schedule to start my outdoor grow indoors right after these get...
  6. compqt

    Can the Police search your car?

    Do they need a warrant to search your car or just probable cause? Here's a few that happened to me: Pulled over at a DWI checkpoint, passed all tests (fucker made me say the alphabet backwards) and he began to go in my car. I said why are you searching my car when I already passed all of...
  7. compqt

    Check this out

    I don't know how many have seen these. I happen to stumble across them because outside of bud my other hobbies include reptiles and aquariums They came out with lighting for reef tanks. When you read about lighting for coral its all about lumens just like bud. Here are 2 they came out...
  8. compqt

    Questions Re: Outdoor Growing And lighting

    This year will be my first year of starting my plants indoors and moving them outdoors when the time is right. I usually just planted germinated seed in the ground but always wound up stressing towards the end due to frost I live in the Northeast so I only get a max 15 hours of sunlight...
  9. compqt

    Puzzling PH in Bubbleponics

    My plants are 10 days old. Everything was good until a couple of days ago. My PH dropped from 5.9 to like 1.6. I used PH up and brought it up to 6. The next day is was back in the ones. My PPM has remained steady at 400, heat is 82 F. What is causing this and what can I do to prevent this??
  10. compqt

    2nd Hydro Grow - Blue Cheese

    My first grow was just bag seed. It came out pretty good for a first time. A few mistakes a long the way but I learned. I bought 5 fem Barney's Blue Cheese seeds. My plan is to keep 2 out of the 4 for mothers for cloning. 4 out of the 5 cracked on the 18th and these pics are from the 21st so...
  11. compqt

    Just Want to say

    Thanks to everyone who provided valuable information on this site. From the grow faq to the journals and to all the posters who contributed their knowledge. I just harvested my first hydro grow over the weekend and would not have been able to do it if it weren't for this site. Although I made...
  12. compqt

    Question RE: DIY Aero Setup

    I am in the process of flushing in an Aero/DWC rubbermaid setup. My next grow I want to modify this and have a separate res. My question is can I run the pump 24/7 and not worry about drowing since the roots will be constantly getting sprayed? Thanks J
  13. compqt

    Need Verification before chopping (PICS)

    Males?? 1st one
  14. compqt

    Whats up people

    Semi new here. Great info on this site although getting questions answered is somewhat rough. Is it because I am new? Think I am a cop or something? Well I am far from a cop. Been smoking about 25 years now, so I hope its because I am new
  15. compqt

    Need Help Sexing

    I have 5 plants all in the 10th day of flowering. Is it too early to tell? Each pic is a different plant
  16. compqt

    Question Re: Nutes, lighting

    Since no one answered my questions in my thread I figured I would try this: According to the Fox Farm Feeding table it has me going to 12/12 after the 5th week can I go earlier? If I do go earlier should I follow their feeding schedule for the 5th week and jump over the 4th week where I...
  17. compqt

    EC Meter Question

    My meter gives results in us/cm. Is there a way to convert this to get a PPm Measurement in my Res? Thanks in advance
  18. compqt

    First Aero Grow

    Hey Everyone, This is my first crack at Aero growing. I grew from dirt indoors many moons ago with success. With the quality of smoke dropping in my area plus the price I figured lets give it a shot I am using a 36 gallon rubber maid container for 8 plants about 16 gallons of distilled water...