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  1. J

    even light distribution

    i found rotating my pots every other day, has made my buds on the lower stems, just as dense as the uppers. my top 3 nodes are connecting into one giant cola!!! i have 2 indica dom's that have been flowering for a month. hairs are starting to brown, and im hoping they finish before halloween...
  2. J

    iso hash from 4 oz's of stems??

    yup i got 4 OZ's of diff strains of stems. all from quality pot, but have no leaf matter/bud to run with them. i made iso hash not to long ago, but from stems leaf matter and airy/scraggly buds. my question is can i pull something from just the stems?? or am i wasting my time?? :joint: P&P
  3. J

    iso hash

    ya so its my 1st time doing this. i have lots of trim and 3 32oz bottles of 91% isopropyl alcohol. i know 99% is better but my local wal-greens don't have it. but any way, how long do i let my iso sit with my trim for? i read 30 seconds is ideal. im going to chill my iso before hand, but should...
  4. J

    smoking the morning after a night of drinking.

    for me it all depends on how i feel. i don't drink alot, but when i do man can i hang in there. and unless im pounding hard liquor i never yack. (yack = puking lol) but, sometimes the next morning i wake up and smoke, and that 1st hit almost makes me puke. idk why, i think is cause my belly is...
  5. J

    vapeing/torching some fresh weed.

    so i clipped a piece of some fresh bag seed indica. and blasted some thru the bong with a torch and some thru my pocket vape! and i must say im pretty fuckin high! extreme citrus flavor with some hints of fresh clipped lawn lol. but for being fresh off the plant, it was very mild, and didn't...
  6. J

    side project.

    so my 4 regular seeds i ordered from online, and planted gave me 3 males and 1 female. they all "looked" female till they showed they're nutsacks lol. planted them on 7-25-13 and coming along very nice! culled my males and left my one female alone. sucks having to kill them but circle of life...
  7. J

    homemade nutrients.

    ok i took some reverse osmosis water and some banana peels, dried almond and peanut shells. along with some ground coffee. its been in the shade with an airstone in a plastic 1 gallon jug. its been 4 days and it smells kinda like homemade liquor lol. is it ok to feed my plants this?? i haven't...
  8. J

    natural sources of phosphorus.

    hey guys just wondering about how to make some organic phosphorus rich compost. i read banana peels are a good source. if anyone has any other way, im open to suggestions.
  9. J


    ok just got back from my buddy's house. we were chillin and smoking some bud, when he busted out a fat canister of salvia. where he got it from i didn't know, but it was 20x and he packed a nice bongload and roasted it to the dome!!!! i tried to tell him not to, but obviously he didn't listen...
  10. J

    feeding plants sugar?

    i been reading some guys like to feed they're plants sugar. now is this done with table sugar? brown sugar or what?? and by table sugar i mean the white shit lol. P&P:leaf:
  11. J


    i have a random question unsure if anyone has asked this before but, when does a MJ plant show stipules? i planted some good seeds 2 weeks ago, and they're 11 inches tall and already have stipules. i don't seem to remember if my others showed them at such an early age, or if im just stoned and...
  12. J

    noobs question im sure its been asked hundreds of times, but here goes!

    i lost a few bag seed females to rippers, and so the day i found out i planted some good seed stock. they all germinated and sprouted! (5 sprouts total) i was wondering if they will flower?? i know this question should be in the noobie section, but since im growing outside i felt this question...
  13. J

    new to indoors

    hey guys, im looking to go indoors here, as soon as the weather starts getting cold. i was wondering how much it would cost to start a small grow and what materials would be needed??? thanks guys! P&P :joint:
  14. J

    rippers suck!

    had some douche bag rip up a few of my females. :cry: they had tiny buds just peaking. that was a week and a half ago. i started some new ones from seed. do they have a chance to produce?? or is it to late?? any tips/hints appreciated!!!! i got a few girls left luckily, but not enough to last me...
  15. J


    alright got rid of the house fly problem, only to find a small caterpillar problem. just a couple. i used a 10x jewelers loop and found them very easily. i read up on natural ways to rid my garden of them, using garlic powder and red pepper flakes. i boiled them together, let them cool, and...
  16. J

    friggin house flies!

    hey guys i have a shitload of flys either on or near my garden. they are not the tiny black ones, but the common annoying house fly. i made a couple traps with raw meat and caught alot of them. are there any tips/tricks to make them leave?? also does anybody know why they are flying all over...
  17. J


    hey guys! im new to growing and this is my second grow. i have some mexican indicas growing, outdoors and straight in the ground. i say mexican because they are from some really good tasting buds straight from mexico. they sprouted may 28, and they are a little short of 3 feet tall. i have...