Search results

  1. GhostBud420

    New Strain in the making. Flower Pics

    Been working on this project for a little over a year now and finally getting to see the results of the crosses. (GG#4 x Heirloom Thai) x King Louie XIII (Male). So far the results are decent. Two different phenos of the GG4 x Thai were crossed with the King Louis. One had stretchy...
  2. GhostBud420

    Breeding / Trial run in the flower room.

    Been working on the grow room for a long time. Finally got around to firing up the Gavita and stabilizing temps in this cold climate. Decided to do a breeding round in the winter. Something I've wanted to do for a long time but also a good chance to test the room without filling it out with a...
  3. GhostBud420

    THC and POLLEN

    Can THC be separated from pollen during the bubble hash process??.. Common sense would tell me that the pollen would probably mix with the Trichome heads. Or would it slip through most of the micron bags and end up at the bottom of the bucket?... I know BHO is an option and would probably be the...
  4. GhostBud420

    minimum size reservoir for 4'x4' flood table

    I recently purchased a botanicare 4x4 flood table and was wondering the minimum size reservoir needed to accommodate it. Im going to be using coco and circle pots. Flood and drain type of grow. Any experienced users of 4x4 flood tables, would love to hear your experience with 20, 25, 40 gallon...
  5. GhostBud420

    Drying rack capacity

    Wondering if someone knows the capacity of a 3ft long 32" wide 4 layer drying rack or one similar to it. Kind of a stupid question but never really used drying racks before, always made my own with screens and pvc.
  6. GhostBud420

    Harvesting early ...Dark clouds on the horizon.

    So its been cooling down lately and looks like rain is on the way next week. The plants already survived one good rain storm 4 days ago and not wanting to push my luck with the next one on the way. So looks like its chop time for me. Ive always followed my gut instinct when it comes to this...
  7. GhostBud420

    Been a while. Clocking back in!

    What's up folks. Took a long break from growing to deal with some family related business and personal business. Moved from So-Cal to a colder climate area. Outdoor season is going good so far! Going to try and set up an indoor grow for the winter. feels so good to be back in it again though..
  8. GhostBud420

    Growing in Michigan Winter Months

    Whats good everyone. I need help from growers that have experience growing in high humidity and extremely cold climates. Been growing in california for the longest time and now I'm starting a small medical grow op in Michigan. Never grown in such a cold environment before. I have a room in the...
  9. GhostBud420

    Lemon Water For PH down?

    I have done this in the past. Wondering if anyone on here regularly uses Lemon water or Lemon juice for ph down. I noticed that im using a lot of PH down nowadays. My tap comes out rather high at 8.0-9.2 So i have to correct it quite a bit to get the desired 5.9-6.3 My question is.. Is there...
  10. GhostBud420

    Split Main Stalk

    I noticed that theres a split at the base of my main stalk. It has been getting huge lately being that its in a 27gallon tote. Ive heard of growers using a type of resin to patch monsters up. Wondering if anyone has ever done this and where to get. Thanks.
  11. GhostBud420

    Max yield on GDP phenos

    So im thinking about running GDP as my main strain. I was running a Larry OG cross that does great with the type of conditions that I grow in. But unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances no longer have the phenos that I spent the time to cherry pick and mother. Im currently growing about...
  12. GhostBud420

    Turbo Klone or Easy Clone Question

    Been looking into these cloning systems for a while now and thinking about finally getting one. The only problem is the area ill be cloning in.. the temps drop at night to about 55F. Wondering if this is going to pose a problem.
  13. GhostBud420

    Making THC pills

    Looking for someone with a little experience in this. Im thinking of mixing some decarbed oil with some coconut oil to create a consistency to inject into empty Vcaps. The oil was purged under high heat 250F and -30hg vac for a total of 50 hours. Oil was flipped once to purge the other side...
  14. GhostBud420

    Looking for closed loop system??

    Im currently making my own closed loop system. Lots of progress has been made. Almost ready for a test trial. If anyone is interested in getting one please send me a pm.
  15. GhostBud420

    Making a Closed Loop System. Need a little help with details.

    I pretty much know what the system will look like. I have already purchased PTFE hoses and Quick Couplings to go on the collection and solvent container. My next move right now is buying the parts to make a Solvent container. Ill be using a 6'' x 6'' Welded Base TC spool. 6'' x 1 1/2 ''...
  16. GhostBud420

    Pie Plate Crumble

    Its been a while since I myself have made crumble.. So decided to watch a few videos and came across an extraction artist that uses a pie plate inside of the vacuum chamber to achieve crumble. Im sure a lot of whipping is involved but it looked like a quick and easy process so thought i'd...
  17. GhostBud420

    Stabilizing a strain. Need a lil help.

    I ended up crossing a couple strains during the summer and got some seeds from a Larry OG x Diablo OG. Im currently growing the 3rd round of these seeds and I have been seeing some instability in the strain. A few herm plants out of a dozen maybe. My question is if a hermaphrodite produces...
  18. GhostBud420

    Roll Call!? Extraction Artists

    Whats happening everyone. Curious to see if I have tried any of your extracts in the past. TopFlightExtracts We specialize in mostly shatters but enjoy making all different types of BHO, Double Solvent, Dewaxed etc.
  19. GhostBud420


    Been a while since I have last posted on this website. Hope you enjoy the pictures. I created a few strains during the summer and decided to go with a select group of seeds from one particular cross. Seems to be doing good but still trying to stabilize the phenos a bit more. OG PHENO This...
  20. GhostBud420


    Has anyone used them??.. opinion and thoughts about their full lineup or individual additives. Im currently running Heavy 16 and want to try blue planet out and see how they compare. I dont think many people have heard about this nutrient company so any help or info would be appreciated.