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  1. P

    Talking to police. A must watch.

    So, I've been reading here, and talking to friends around the country dealing with some legal issues. I'm not an attorney (but I play one on TV). I am going to post a video that you should all fire one up and watch. The video has two parts. It's taught by a Duke Law Professor, and his...
  2. P

    Anyone Running Advanced LED's DS XML 350. Quick Question.

    I posted this in a different part of this forum and it was suggested I put it in here and hopefully find someone who's running the same unit or is an expert in LED. How close can I get to the buds during flowering? Some of the top colas are about 10 inches from the lights and don't seem to...
  3. P

    Quick question. Not a noob. Pics included.

    Alright. Quick question here. I'm running a few different autoflowers (don't diss them yet) as an experiment under my new LEDs (Advanced Diamond Series XML 350 with 10 Watt CREEs). The plants appreciate these lights quite a bit. I'm on day 14 of flower. The seeds sprouted on July 4, so...
  4. P

    Repurposing Soil. Let's discuss.

    Does anyone have a good recipe and instructions for repurposing used soil. I know that some think the consensus is to throw it away and buy more but that seems like a complete waste of money and soil. Can't you just flush the old soil, pull out the roots, add a bunch of amendments, mix it all...
  5. P

    Spring Water PH 6.9 and Potential Bug Trouble (Image Included)?

    Hello, all. Finally got my fancy ass PH meter. Tested my spring water three times. Each time it read 6.9. My ladies are in FFOF (with just a pinch of perlite and a dash of Happy Frog Soil mix at the top for when the seedlings are just starting out. The plants look pretty healthy, minus a...
  6. P

    Serious Question.

    I'm not new to growing, but I'm new to a few things I'm trying now after finding this forum. That said, my question is a fairly serious one. I want to belong to this community. God knows growing alone and pretending to be a normal person has worn me down these past few years. So, please read...
  7. P

    What sayeth the panel of experts?

    I germinated nine autoflower seeds in Rapid Rooters. As soon as I saw the seed had cracked open (I look into the plug carefully) I then put the seed (still in the Rapid Rooter) into a five gallon bucket. Note: I do not wait until there is a root poking through the Rapid Rooter. I put them...
  8. P

    New to LED. Need quick opinion. Advanced LED's Diamond Series

    My wife bought me three of these for my birthday (I posted in another thread, but figured I'd try again). I have the 350s not the 150s. I wanted to do a lot more research but I've been talking about LEDs for a while so she just ordered me three of these. Thoughts on these lights? You think...