Search results

  1. Hob10

    How long will pollen be active

    Hi all my first grow two plants both males i let them grow on till the pollen sacks opened and pollen fall all over the floor, i just stopped watering them and turned off the light and they died, now i have my new grow 10 females with pre flowers that were in a different room, and i wont to...
  2. Hob10

    Hi all have any one got seeds from Dope-seeds in the us and i was thinking of getting auto floweer lowrider 2 or the new auto flower ak47 cross between lowrider 2 thanks ps or a good place to buy the auto flower strains. thanks
  3. Hob10

    exchange rate calculator

    Hi all Here is a exchange rate calculator so when you buy some beans you dont pay way to much it if the bean sellers did not over charge maybe they would sell more and on top of that if you live in the us you mint not even get the beans hmmmmm ! Currency Calculator
  4. Hob10

    PH Problam

    Hi all i think i have ph problam it looks like nut lock out i am growing in soil i just got earth juice ph down in cristal form can i desolve in water and weter my little one how much do i use and can it be done, my meter says the ph is 8 Thanks
  5. Hob10

    miracle gro potting soil

    Hi all i am new here and this is my first post, well here is my problem i think i have nut burned my plant with miracle gro. i used miracle potting soil with time released nut my plant was doing perfect until i used the miracle feeder i was using on my plants (flowers) than it was over my pot...