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  1. soulscientist

    Is this light good?!

    Hello. I was looking for some cheap lightz and came across this. Could anyone please tell me if this light is any good? Thanx.
  2. soulscientist


    I have 20 seedlings which just got their first set of 3 pronged long should I wait until I start using fertilizers on them? Thanx,SS
  3. soulscientist

    Cloning medium?!

    Hello bredren and sisdren, I have a question for u all. I have never taken clonez before and I wanna know if I can root the clonez with rooting hormone gel and replant dem into soil?! I know most everyone preferz too use rockwool but I wanna try soil 'coz right know I have no rockwool. Some...
  4. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    Hello bredren and sisdren. Idren is new here. I got a very BAD problem and need help fast. NO TIME TO WASTE !!!!! My most prized plant is starting to take a nose dive fast and I don't know from what. I did my daily inspection 2 day ago and found a perfectly round hole in the middle of...