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  1. berbonber

    Fallout 3

    Got it? I did today and its pretty cool so far i have high hopes for this game as its made by Bethesda the people behind Oblivion and that was mint. anyone????
  2. berbonber

    cancerous kief pressing

    could this kief pressing method be bad for you? in the comments people are discussing whether carcinogens are released when the plastic is heated, thoughts anyone? YouTube - How to Make Hash
  3. berbonber

    sleeping on speed

    got any tips i had my last bit a bit late so im still high but i need to sleep, most of the time i can force myself but this is pretty good speed, anyone got any tips for getting some sleep without taking anything
  4. berbonber


    its terrible isnt it? nearly all the jobs going require experience of which i have none or qualifications of which i also have none. when a job does eventually come up i phone up and its already been taken. im pretty desperate for work i need money to start my first grow off, il do pretty much...
  5. berbonber

    Task Force

    rap outfit with MCs Chester P and Famer G and DJ Louis Slipperz check the scratching that Slipperz pulls out at the beginning of the first video :) YouTube - live taskforce chester p farmer g louis slippers YouTube - Task Force - Butterfly Concerto
  6. berbonber

    weed after other drugs

    why is it that when you smoke weed on other drugs you dont seem to get stoned it just amplifies the effects of whatever drug you are on. the next day too after ive taken amphetamines, ecstasy, opiates and pharms if i smoke weed as well as the stoned feeling il get a threshold buzz from the...
  7. berbonber

    Was it wrong to hit my friend?

    I'm using my brothers bike while he's inside and I left it on my front garden the other night, it went missing but then reappeared the next day. I found out one of my friends who was tripping took the bike from my garden and pedalded through to another town about 10 miles away to see some...
  8. berbonber

    the fastest MC ever?

    who do you think the fastest MC is in the world? this guy is quick as fuck YouTube - The Worlds Fastest Rapper - Jibbarish - Drop Bombs
  9. berbonber

    Manage, Plazma, Possessed, Jibbarish and Doc Brown

    Mmmmmmmhhhhhmmmmmmm YouTube - Manage, Plasma, Possessed, Jibbarish and Doc Brown
  10. berbonber

    Rhyme Asylum

    check it YouTube - Rhyme Asylum and Copywrite- Attitude Problem
  11. berbonber

    not all its cracked up to be

    i tried crack one night with a friend and ive got to say its horrible stuff, it tasted nasty and i felt really wired, high but not an enjoyable high like i get from just coke. tried crack? liked crack? got hooked?
  12. berbonber


    counterfeit cash floating around in your area? theres been a lot of Scottish bills around here that are fake, so many in fact that many shops round here wont accept them anymore. there are also counterfeit coins that have been doing the rounds for a while £1 coins made from lead, they look the...
  13. berbonber

    resin smokers?

    ive went dry and im going to smoke some resin woooooooohhhhhoooooooooo! i normally put a blob of resin on some tinfoil and wrap it up into a parcel and smoke it like that but iv got no foil, how do you guys smoke your resin if at all?
  14. berbonber

    should i risk it?

    my brother went to jail recently, my mam says i can go live at his place while hes inside, hes only on remand and is up at court in december where hes looking at 5-15 years but theres a slight chance he could get out. I want to go grow some plants there cutting out my partners do you think i...
  15. berbonber

    Tweetie, Skinnyman and L-Star freestyle

    for the hip hop fans YouTube - Westwood - Skinnyman, Tweetie & L-Star freestyle 1Xtra check it man tweetie and skinny rip it up l-star is pretty weak though
  16. berbonber

    quitting weed

    man i was so baked last night and my friend said to me 'adam, dont you think we're a bit sad? i mean dont you remember when we were doin this 3 years ago?' so it got me thinking about quitting. but it seems like such a scary thought, this is something ive done everyday almost for 5 years and i...
  17. berbonber

    Super dry buds

    I'm getting a half ounce of white rhino in a couple of days and want to make some honey oil with half of it whats the best way to get my buds super dry and crispy?
  18. berbonber

    mouldy weed

    how mouldy does weed have to get before its dangerous? cause i just got some weed and it has a few white patches of mould. i just smoked some it tastes funky but its strong as hell, could this be detrimental to my health?
  19. berbonber

    Coffee Mate?

    British comedian Peter Kay once made a joke about being stopped at customs and the officers finding 'Coffee Mate' (a whitener made by Nestle used to substitute milk) in his luggage and thinking it was cocaine and him explaining that it was coffee mate the customs officers replying 'haha coffee...
  20. berbonber

    Dolphin Olympics

    My nephew asked me if there were any dolphin games online, I didnt think there would be but I found this and it's addictive as fuck you build up really check it out guys n gals its really pretty fun, im currently trying to jump to the end of the universe but its damned hard