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    25 Plants in a 600w 5x5 grow tent

    A freind of mine is going to attemp 25 plants in a 5x5 600w grow tent, im wondering if this is a good choice for maximum yeild? this is what he is claiming.. im thinking they wont have enough room to breath or enouggh light penetration.
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    Has it been done?

    Has anyone ever made a grow op that has the light bulb oscillating back and forth across the plants? This would cover more area per wattage would it not?. Wouldnt it also reduce the heat built per second on the plants ? why hasnt it been done? I feel these are some interesting points, what if i...
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    A little help.

    What kind of grow would pump out 10 pounds of premo a month efficiently? and what kind of space would i need
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    Good autoflowering seeds?

    is it possible to grow my own autoflowering seeds after buying them? also where and what are good seeds to buy?
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    Money Issue`s

    So im in a bit of a predicament, Ive got alot of money (hehe) and idk how to spend it without looking like a criminal, i need to buy an apartment and pay bills....what can i tell my landlord? :bigjoint:
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    Dried bud?

    i got an ounce of kush and its getting kind of dry, i put a peice of break in the bag (full peice) could this turn out bad? i mean i got a full peice of bread in there.....what else can i do to make these buds sticky again?
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    Chewin' On A Bud.

    so im sittin here and pretty much using shake as chewwing tabacoo...and i sorta kidna maybe feel a bit stoned..... placebo? i know ive heard it has to be heated and all that jazz....but what if you just let it sit in your mouth behind your lip just like chewing tabacoo??
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    How to determine whether a plant is auto-flower or not

    i took a cutting off a flowering plant... but i was away from this plant for a vey long time and do not know how it grew during the early life... im trying to reveg this cutting but my question is how can i tell if its just going to autoflower or if its actually starting to veg ?|| ps, the...
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    AeroGarden Question

    how do i flower in an aerogarden? what light setting am i supposed to use??? :wall:
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    Effects of touching and talking to plants? and more questions.

    what happens if you spend time with your plants talking to them and just bassically hanging out around them? is it good or bad? and also, how do i know when to pick seeds of of my plant? they have the same characteristics of the first seed when i bought them
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    Outdoor blueberry

    I just got my olant back... i planted a few weeks after 420... it is now about 4 feet tall in flowering stage. but it hasnt been using nutrients almost its whole life... my question is can i harm my plant by using flowering nutrients now?
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    Strain Questions

    so i got this strain and it turns out its northern lights cross with afghan kush its called red cros......what should i expect from this ?:joint:
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    Outdoor question.

    I just got back from buying some red cross and blue berry haze seeds.... can anyone tell me how the strains should be grown or anything i should know??
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    Leagally growing medicinal marijuana in manitoba?

    can it be done? and how....ive been interested in this for awhile now, i understand that in order to grow medicinal marijuana you must be growing it for someone who needs it..Does anyone know how i would go about getting a license to do this?:joint:
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    It took alot to trust you/ But not alot to bust you/So fuck youSo this is what i must do/ And this is what it comes to/I know its hard to unglue/Sorry i haved to undo/Everything ive done too/But what to say im stunned too/ See it started easy/when you would always please me/To think i thought...
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    Plant leaves underside turning purple?

    Got a seed from bagseed and its startiong to get purple tint on the underside of the leaves.. the plant looks identical to this one so i figure it may be Purple Trainwreck?
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    Stem Question

    I planted a seed from bagseed about 8 days ago and the seedling is working out good, so one night i left it out and it got some minor cold damages(Discoloring) now im asking how to get the stem to become thicker and strong, i have a fan running on it and i give it a shake daily. Everything else...
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    Manitoba 911/Red Cross + Bagseed CFL Grow

    To start i gripped a seedling (well the leaves were out and shit but w.e) from my buddy whos plant got fucked thats the MB911/R.C. its stem was bent in 2 places i took it off his hands and put it unders a CFL and transplanted it to potting soil(it was outdoors so went through a cold snap) its...
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    Seedling stem bent

    My buddy planted his Red Cross/Mb 911 and itwas doin ok but bout a week into the grow the plant got blown over(i think?) and went through a cold snap, the steam is bent but not completley severed. I tied it to a pencil with some thread and it is now standing up and under a cfl. now heres where...
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    Seed question

    k, i have 3 seeds, 2 from one bag i bought, and one from another the first 2 are black with barley visible stipes but the other one is light brown with visible black stripes.... Should these be able to germinate? and if so how do i find out?