Search results

  1. Chumlie

    ebb&flow to much water/help

    I have 4x4x4 grodan blocks that i water three times a day for 15 mins. I thinks they are getting to much water. I went to for advice on this could find anything really, but they did recomend for a more establish root system that I should stop water and let cube dry out a...
  2. Chumlie

    Ferts(5 pounds each) for 100sq ft?

    i went to the garden center and asked this guy that works there his opion on how much of each for about 100sq ft of garden to amend the soil. He told me that 5 pound of each would do it. blood, and bone meal, kelp meal, worm castings, green sand, chicken manure, etc. I think it was three...
  3. Chumlie

    Hydroponic grapes and blueberries

    I just bought a mars blue grape plant as well as a blue bery bush and I was thinking about putting them both in a hydroponic system. Now I've haven't searched for blueberry hydroponics, but I know I have seen something on that. I have searched bing, yahoo, google, youtube on hydroponic grapes...
  4. Chumlie

    Reflective textured Aluminum?

    asking around and looking aswell. I can't find the real name for the stuff. the rock polished aluminum thats in most light reflectors, I am looking for sheets of that. Does anybody no the real name for it, and where to find it? Prefer local shops like HD or Lowes, etc thought it might be...
  5. Chumlie

    Grow fridge to the full potential

    Whats up everybody? Recently I've been trying to soak in knowledge on how to make a grow fridge. Now I have found some ideas hear an there. Yet it seems every body does the same thing, they cut the power to the fridge and/or get rid of the the freon. WHY!! Isn't that the point...
  6. Chumlie

    General Hydroponics Nute calculator?

    Wasup? Can any body give me the shortest time periode on the amount of weeks for each growth stages? I was trying to do 15 weeks, really less if possible. Here is the linke to the calculator if you don't know about it yet. Thanks YO!
  7. Chumlie

    is this too much for OG kush

    A person I know said he can get og kush $25 a gram. Is that to much? an another told me he can get purp for $25 a gram and OG kush for $20 a gram.
  8. Chumlie

    need exact amount to amount

    Whats up RIU chefs and cooks, etc? I've been looking up exact recipes for making tinchure but can not find the exact amount of cannabis to put in a fifth of eveclear, also the amount of cannabis to the amount of butter, lets say 5 sticks. I was also thinking, what would happen if you mix...
  9. Chumlie

    i like that smell

    No Important statement or any questions. Just wanted to say that two out of three of my organic bagseed plants have the smell of supper strong zesty or spicy lemon, and I like it!:mrgreen::mrgreen:
  10. Chumlie

    Flowering PPMs 1000-1800?

    I just read that the ppms in flowering need to be between 1000-1800. Does this count for soil? Now I have kinda asked this before. I'm trying to mix a nutrients in 2 gallons of water. I want to mix up the right ppms. Now my plants need a little nitrogen mixed in as well. I have FF grow...
  11. Chumlie

    The girls

    Here are the pics. The three together. The next three pics are the one with leaves that are light green. I don't know if its lack of nitrogen are bleaching from the light. Now I know that the plants will starting losing leaves, but they are only two weeks into flowering. Attached Thumbnails
  12. Chumlie

    2 weeks in flower/flush supper soil/

    I had created a supper soil which I new it might make it through flowering, but now I'm clueless to what the plant needs. One seem to be lacking nitrogen. The other two I can't tell if they need P, K or if they are burning. So I figure I would flush them but I don't know what to give them in...
  13. Chumlie

    Milwaukee pH51, Distilled water

    I just wonder about the guys with the milwaukee pH51 have trouble with getting an accurate reading with distilled water. For me I put in the water stir it comes out 7.4 lets say. I then stir two more times and its 7.1 then 6.8,6.6,6.4,6.1,5.9 and so on. Whats up with that? It did the same...
  14. Chumlie

    root bound in 5 gal bucket

    I think two of my girls are root bound in 5 gal. buckets and not any room for bigger pots, and I am also a week into flowering. plus one of my girls seems either to be bleached from the light are a a nitrogen def. Any help or comment welcome. I hope I can make it.
  15. Chumlie

    2 days into flowering, need nitrogen

    I've been using super soil and two of my ladies are fine but the special girl top foliage is very light green. I just some advice on what to give her with out giving her to much. Today top dressed her with some more super soil. I will give plus rep to the best answer if some one tells me...
  16. Chumlie

    compost tea with soilles medium(hydroponics)

    Can anybody send me link to making compost tea for hydro. Now I'm going to be using GH ferts which I know there not organic, but I want use my compost in there some how Im just wondering if I have to do something to the pH level.
  17. Chumlie

    How many F*** ups to get a hermie?

    I have three good looking girls that I put into flowering yesterday. I'm going to be postive and say they are still girls. Well I've already swithched timers because the other one was a peice of shit. It wouldn't cut off at twelve when in was in veg. This digital one I thought was good execpt...
  18. Chumlie

    My plants don't need water? Yet

    Just wondering if anybody has had this problem. Every since I transplanted my three girls in five gallon buckets full of supersoil which was three or four weeks ago I've only water them twice. Once after I transplanted them and another about a week later. It's going on two weeks since I...
  19. Chumlie

    switching over to 12/12?

    Now I read are saw a video somewhere that when you change over that you either change to 12/12 with MH then after a week to put the HPS in, or you put the HPS bulb in and keep it with the 18/6 for a week then switch over to 12/12. Can anybody figure this out are am I making this to complicated?
  20. Chumlie

    plumbers putty

    does any body think that plumbers putty is a bad idea?