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  1. DoctorGregHouse

    Drug Test Questions Thread

    Hey everyone. Because of the onslaught of drug testing threads popping up on this site like an annoying game of Whack-A-Mole, I figured I'd take it upon myself to put up a drug testing questions thread. So from here on out (hopefully), if someone has a question about a future drug test, you...
  2. DoctorGregHouse

    Ten Favorite Albums

    Let's say you were going to a deserted island or Siberian gulag or something and you could only take 10 albums with you. What would they be? Here's my list: 1. One Size Fits All - Frank Zappa 2. Aja - Steely Dan 3. Highway to Hell - AC/DC 4. One More From the Road - Lynyrd Skynyrd 5. Dark Side...
  3. DoctorGregHouse

    "Green" Burgers?

    Sup guys? This is a ridiculous question, but I was watching World's Dumbest Criminals, a clip show on TruTV, and this came up. Apparently two dumbass kids working at McDonald's thought it'd be a good idea to add a little something extra :leaf: to two cops' burgers. The announcer says they got...
  4. DoctorGregHouse

    Hello From Mass

    Hey everyone. Grasscity refugee checking in here. Left the site after a couple years once it got overrun by trolls. I've lurked on this site in the past for tips about passing drug tests and stuff like that, but I need a new home. So how's everyone doing this fine morning? :bigjoint: Any tips...