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  1. s0lumn

    Powdery mildew late in flower

    So finally my plants are all finishing up, but they have the worst powdery mildew on some of the buds. Because I'm literally chopping this week, what do you guys do for the pm? The guy at the hydro store sold me some PM Wash by NPK industries, but i'm not sure if its just bs. Has anyone used...
  2. s0lumn

    Bud Worm, Bud Rot, Both??

    This appeared on my auto which is finishing up outside this month. I only got spinosad pretty recently so this plant was never sprayed. Otherwise its organic outside in soil. At first I just thought that it was really purpling up in this area, but then today I checked and saw this: What...
  3. s0lumn

    To top or not to top

    I am early in worrying about this, but I will be running an auto in the near future (possibly for the solocup contest). I have only run one auto before (currently finishing up flower) and I did not top it. My other photo. plants that i've topped are big bushes, so I'm wondering if I should...
  4. s0lumn

    Sun Burn, Nute Burn, or Deficiency

    For a while now I've had what I thought was a deficiency in my plants, and tried to remedy it with their feeding and ph adjustments, but it hasn't gone away. They are all outdoor. Ive been using a custom soil mix based on kellogs patio plus organic with coco, perlite, epsom salt, dolomite lime...
  5. s0lumn

    Clone issues

    About a week ago I picked up a Strawberry Cough Clone from Harborside SJ. It had a single brown tip on one of the leaves, but was well rooted in the rockwool cube so I decided it was ok. I replanted the cube in a small pot with a mostly peat soil mix and put it into my little indoor cfl...
  6. s0lumn

    Nothin like a windy day

  7. s0lumn

    Damping off?

    I germed and planted 5 seeds a few weeks ago they were all doing pretty well for the past few weeks, but with two minor problems. The Jack-matic (alone in the circular pot) shot up the most and so was transplanted/buried deeper in its own pot. Yesterday after I watered (with RODI and a dilute...
  8. s0lumn

    too late to germ seed?

    Is it too late to start a plant from seed now outdoors? I live in Northern California
  9. s0lumn

    whats up with my leaf edges/tips?

    the soil ph should be around 7.0 not getting much for nutes at this point a light feeding of miracle grow about a week ago
  10. s0lumn

    Yellowing edges - nute burn or def

    Is this caused by N toxicity? or another burn or deficiency? Planted popped seed in early feb and this is what it looks like Ive fed it a few times with weak teas but with a few days in between soil is kellog patio plus organic + local soil + some perlite and peat ph should be around 7 the edge...
  11. s0lumn

    Auto Outdoor in summer?

    Could I plant an auto in june (in norcal) outdoor and have it finish just after my regular photoperiod plants? reg plants are bagseed planted in april and I would theoretically purchase auto seeds online
  12. s0lumn

    Bagseed vs good genetics

    Will bagseed usually lead to stunted plants and/or slow growth when compared to seedbank seeds? Also, do germination times say anything about how the plant will turn out?
  13. s0lumn

    Out door heat problems??

    After lurking around for a while I decided I need a bit of advice This is part of my first grow of 3 plants Background: I germinated and planted a bagseed (suspected to be grape ape) in the last week of march. The plant has been outdoors the whole time. Soil is Kellogg patio plus and local It’s...