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  1. E

    Indoor to Outdoor?

    okay so i started about 10 clones inside under a 600 and grew them out until flowering and then i got 20 more babies so i put these flowering plants outside now and the babies in. i have a tarp setup but one side of it is open. the top is tarped and the other three side as well so its pretty...
  2. E

    Using soil straight out of the bag?

    does anyone use soil straight out of the bag? iv always heard you should let it (fox farm or miracle grow or whatever) sit out in the sun and water it a few times before putting your plants in it. couldnt find anything when i googled it so thought id ask yall. thanks for info
  3. E

    Plant problem please help!

    i have a few plants in my grow room that are starting to do this curling in the new leaf growth and they look like they are drying out. the temps are steady at 80 degrees im not sure the humidity. im running a 600 watt light about 3 feet about the plants cause its hot. any one know anything...
  4. E

    Direct light vs shade ???

    i live in a very shaded area and i only get about 5 hours of direct light a day rigght now. i want to put my plants outside now and have them bud but is this too much light too flower the plants? thanks for info!
  5. E

    California outdoor growing?

    okay i live in santa cruz cali it pretty much norcal. it says im currently getting 14 hours a day of light but i live in a really shaded area so my plants only get about 7 hours a day direct light at the most. will they be okay to put outside or will they start to bud? any help is appreciated thx!
  6. E

    Time to grow?

    is it time to start growing yet? im from the bay area of california. anyone start outdoor yet?thx
  7. E

    Should i transplant??

    i got my clones when they were about 2 inches put them into 4'' square pots then transplanted into 2 gallon pots 3 weeks later now they are almost 2 feet and i see a root coming out the bottom. i only want them to get about 4 feet tall and yield about a half lb each. they are outdoor and in ff...