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  1. S

    Effects of positive Ion generator in grow room?

    I have put a nagative ion generator (Ionic Air Purifier HF-100) in my grow tent (60x60x90cm) to neutralize smelly particles in the air that may skip the tent. I should say it is quite effective in combination with a Rhino filter. to the extent that I hardly can smell anything even when I...
  2. S

    How to make s CO2 bag?

    CO2 bags are a less-kown non-hazardous method of supplying CO2 to plants. The bags consist of a type of fungus called mycelium in a nutrient ambient. When the fugnus grows, it generates CO2 until it exhaust all the nutrients. Sounds pertty simple to set up. So I am wondering how effective...
  3. S

    What to do with cannabis leaves after harvest?

    I have just made my first harvest. Now wondering what can be done with the remaining leaves ans stems? Can I make hash from them? How? Does it worth the effort? peace :leaf:
  4. S

    Sugget Fan and Filter for 2x2x3 closet

    Hi dudes, Noob would-be-grower here. I live in a small flat and when my neighbour listens to music, I do to! So having quietest fan and best active carbon filter are crucial to me. First I thought I use computer fans but apparently they are not able to suck enough air from carbon filters...