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  1. J

    cid flashbacks in ur spine

    everytime i drop cid i always get a tingly or flushing sensation in my back/spine and face, this is before i ever heard of any myths about acid being stored in your spine i havent dropped since my birthday in august but it was pretty heavy, 6 hits spread out between 2 1/2 days. plus plenty of...
  2. J

    Does Making Tea Smell Up The Kitchen?

    im about to make some TeaHC but the quesiton just came to mind if it will stink up my kitchen. I've heard of people making brownies and firecrackers and there whole house reeking. But since its going right into the hot milk would it give off a smell? Anybody with past expierence share please
  3. J

    help choosing an indica strain

    I need a strain to smoke strictly on my sabbath, i was headed into the direction of an indica to insure i dont do too much work, but i also want to be able to read my bible and going by some reviews, white rhino seems perfect, i've heard its mostly a stoned body feel with a slight sativa buzz...
  4. J

    growing in and outdoors

    Im wondering for my grow if i could do half of it indoors and half outdoors to cutback on costs. I was going to do the vegetative stage outside since it barely smells and sunlight is free, and then when they get to a decent size put them in my grow room indoors to start flowering. I dont see...
  5. J

    hows this light for a 1st grow?

    im about to start my 1st grow and i dont want to go all out on buying an expensive halide being a noob and proably messing up the 1st time. im gonna be using schwag seeds also and growing one plant. this light says its an alternative to a 400w halide and only uses 105w, could i use this? and...