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  1. B

    Sorry looking plant.. (pics)

    It's an Indica Black Domina and it's around 90 days old. (I know, old enough to be budding) It has been in a cupboard for most of its life with limited light. I now have some space to nurse it but I wanted some input on where she's at and what I should do next. So far I've been using regular...
  2. B

    What's with the ridiculous yield claims on seed packaging?

    Some say 350-450g per square meter lol. Is that even possible? Has anyone ever achieved the supposed maximum yield? I'm hoping for a half decent harvest, but I can't help but feel that these claims get peoples hopes up and ultimately leave them disappointed to the point of quitting.
  3. B

    Is it really possible to grow your plant in a way that will make a specific high?

    ..regardless of strain. I've been flicking through some threads and I came across a post about harvesting and curing. Basically the jist of the comment was if you harvest/cure this way you get a more cerebral high but if you harvest/cure the other way you get a more couch lock high. My...
  4. B

    How to use a moisture/ph/light meter?

    Hi all. Please forgive a beginner for a dumb question, but I have one of these. It has no useful instructions and I had a few basic questions. I understand the answer may be different if you are testing for PH, Moisture or Light. 1. How deep into the soil should I push the prongs for an...
  5. B

    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    She's a 16 day old indica. I've been using multi purpose compost and waiting for the right moment to start using nutes. I didn't think it would be this soon. I also water every other day when the top soil is dry. The plant has been growing in a cupboard with not much air. Is it possible she is...
  6. B

    How is she doing? (pics)

    It's now been 10 days since she emerged from the soil. It's a Afgani Kush x Black Domina. How is she doing? She looks healthy but I'm worried that she is too small, I've seen much bigger 10 day old seedlings, even with CFL. Also, any idea what the yellow spot is? It's been very close to 4 x...
  7. B

    Minimum amount of plants for a harvest a month?

    I'm not into big business, just want a constant supply. Is it possible to get a small harvest every month with only 2 or 3 plants? I'm guessing it would involve cloning and 12/12.
  8. B

    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    I did everything right except I used multi purpose fertiliser instead of neutral soil. So now I'm not sure if I should keep using the same fertiliser or switch to a neutral soil when I make my first repot? My gut...
  9. B

    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    It looks green, the stem is strong as hell and it's developed 2 more tiny leaves, but one of the main leaves is standing straight and still looks like it's part of the stem. She was propagated and has been under 5000k flourescents since sprouting, but she never quite straightened out. I figured...
  10. B

    If nute ratios are so important, why aren't they on the bottle?

    I think it's a fair question. Are they on the bottle where you come from? Coz I was just at the garden centre and looked at every bottle of plant food, no ratios!
  11. B

    Confused about when to first introduce light?

    So here's what I've done so far. 1. Soaked the seed in a shot glass for 24 hours (it sank) so far so good.. 2. Placed the seed in a damp paper towel and left in a warm place (it sprouted) so far so good.. 3. Placed the seed in a small pot with some new soil about 1/2" down and gently covered...
  12. B

    Howdy all!

    Total noob here, been researching lately for ideas. I've stumbled across this forum too many times these past few days for it to be a coincidence. I'll assume this is the homedistiller of weed. Anyway, peace out!