Search results

  1. Gilfman

    Forced THC Production

    Okay so I know the reason stated for sensi having more resin is due to the plant trying to grab pollen up. However, reading Wikipedia about THC says it's produced to deter herbivores. I know of plants being smart in their defenses by detecting like what is attacking it, if it was to detect an...
  2. Gilfman

    Mold on seeds? PROBLEM?

    I had recently found my auto ak47 seeds i bred last year and some of them had mold on them? I just removed the mold and the seed looked fine on the outside.. think the seed couldve rotted inside?
  3. Gilfman

    REAL reason MJ is ILLEGAL!

    The US CIA smuggles in drugs and distributes them and the US gov. grow MJ to do the same thing and make black market $$ off of it, so why would they legalize and lose money? post your thoughts and comments.
  4. Gilfman

    Anyone use Roots Organics for soil?

    It looks to me that the Roots Organic line of nutes looks pretty legit at fractions of the cost of many other nute co. Has anyone used or tried these yet?
  5. Gilfman

    Selling SEEDS and not POLLEN?

    sorta as my title asks.. i think someone should start selling pollen and seeds together.. i guess it would sorta hurt profits if you could get quality pollen from someone and just get a couple seeds out of your whole grow... well post your thoughts on this :leaf:
  6. Gilfman

    AN Grow, Micro, Bloom + what others?

    i was considering the AN line, hear good things about them.. pricing can be steep for some products.. but i was considering these for base nutes but what other ones should i use along side them? i know i need some bacteria root steroids but lots of options.. help please:leaf:
  7. Gilfman

    Looking for a nice SCROG strain

    I was looking for a nice scrogging strain, femmed, not too expensive (5 seeds<$50) AND from a reputable company (NOT GH seeds) .. so just post em here
  8. Gilfman

    600W heat Question

    I plan to have an approx. 4' x 4' x (to ceiling) grow area and it would be enclosed similar to a grow tent. But it will be dry walled and insulated, 400cfm exhaust fan with carbon filter, and air cooled 6 in. cool tube. Question - What kind of heat would a 600w be putting out in a space like...
  9. Gilfman

    I'm back, but i need answers to something new!

    I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion of what would be a good autoflowering strain , and if you know any good autoflowering guide
  10. Gilfman

    12/12 from seed questions ??

    Ok i was wondering if i could grow out some seeds from 12/12 and still be healthy mothers and fathers ? or would these seeds be inferior quality? thoughts welcome
  11. Gilfman

    Seedling sexing

    i was just wondering if you could start a seedling first set of true leaves (3 leaf fan) and put in 12/12 and get the sex with no problem revegging ... anyone try this before? ... i have 5 power skunk regular and i dont have time to really grow and clone them out .. so that would be much easier...
  12. Gilfman

    2009 Auto-Flower Monster Competition!

    Ok this is for anyone who is growing Auto Flowering plants outdoors and wants to show off their prized dwarf! Rules- 1. Must be an auto-flowering plant 2. Must be grown outdoors in ground or pot 3. May be started indoors, but not grown indoors Entrants - May enter up to three of your plants...
  13. Gilfman

    Economic Problem > Chopper Fuel?

    What do you guys think about that? You think there will be less funding for Marijuana eradication OUTSIDE of National/State Forests/Parks? Or a lower number of choppers in the sky this year? This is basically a discussion thread on this subject
  14. Gilfman

    Aluminum Can growing container?- Question

    Ok i was wondering if i used an aluminum can from a soda/cola/pop,etc. if there would be any plant problems.. anyone tried it before? I figure it would be safe but i would just like some friendly input on the matter. Thanks PS it's not the permanent container .. just need something for the...
  15. Gilfman

    Best way to harden off plants?

    I was wondering how people on here harden off their plants... can i leave outside in an area which gets a couple hours of direct and then indirect the rest of the day without bringing them inside? just let me know what you think thanks (dont want to have to bring inside every night)
  16. Gilfman

    LR2 pollen with WW, AI, and WR

    If i can properly store this pollen from the end of june to august ... what are the chances i can make an autoflowering strain with white widow , white rhino , and alaskan ice .. 50/50? or will the auto be 100%? just would like to get some breeding under my belt along with some seeds for future...
  17. Gilfman

    Advanced Nutrients Organics ?Question?

    Ok since i will not be buying the Heavy Harvest line of products like i first intended on doing ... I'll be purchasing Voodoo Juice and carbo load .. But Does anyone have any advice on which of their organic base nutrient products i should buy? (deciding between Mother Earth Tea grow and...
  18. Gilfman

    Organic Advanced Nutrients Questions

    Ok since i will not be buying the Heavy Harvest line of products like i first intended on doing ... I'll be purchasing Voodoo Juice and carbo load .. But Does anyone have any advice on which of their organic base nutrient products i should buy? (deciding between Mother Earth Tea grow and...
  19. Gilfman

    Time Release Fertilizers?

    I know what they are and i want to use them this year so im not stuck carrying milk jugs with fertilizer mixed in them to my plot once a week ... I was thinking AN's Heavy Harvest but I'm not sure if i wanna buy 3 10kg buckets to be shipped to my house. ... Any success with any other products...
  20. Gilfman

    Harvest WITH seeds

    I was going to be breeding my first harvest of LR2 plants letting all male and females grow to get a good amount of seeds ... im more concerned with the seeds than getting that good of bud .. so when would be a good time to harvest for mature seeds?