Search results

  1. Secretan

    Grasscitys own brand?

    Anyone tried any of these? Whats the germ rate like? Genetics? Thinking of growing outside, and want alot of seeds cheap. They sell 100...
  2. Secretan

    Large quantity seed pack?

    Hey, Im looking for a cheap online seed supplier that sells multi packs? ( want around 100 seeds) for my Summer grow. Plan is to start them up at home, then plant in and around the local area (Country side). UK; Need to be used to a colder climate. Any suggestions please? Cheers. bongsmilie
  3. Secretan

    How do I connect my ballast to bulb?

    Hey, Really newbie question but.... Just bought a 250 w ballast (powerplant) and bulb from my local store. I didnt get a reflector because my grow space isn't big enough for one. I was wonderful what cable I need to attach the ballast to the bulb. (The ballast has a wire out its back, with a...
  4. Secretan

    Horizontal (Under bed) grow

    Hey, heres my problem; Need a really discrete grow, cheap to run and the only place I have to grow (indoors) is.... under my bed. This gives me a space of about; 80cm wide by 120cm long by 25 cm high. So I puffed away and had an idea.... As plants grow towards the light, would it be possible...
  5. Secretan

    Alittle help please

    Ok, Im thinking of setting up my grow project 2! (The 1st project yielded a small amount of joint sized buds :bigjoint:, Better than nothing I s'pose). Im going to set up a stealth cupboard; Just big enough for 2 - 4 low ryders. I need to make sure that its odorless and very quite, but also...
  6. Secretan

    Outdoor growing... Help basics please!

    Ok, well I've grown inside abit before :weed:, But next year it would be alot... easier for me to grow outside. (due to shared house). I live in the countryside (South of England).. For miles around. Also I know the local area very well. I am not too worried about being caught (Not the write...
  7. Secretan

    Strain... smell!

    Can any one suggest a strain that doesn't smell too much :S Its a real shame not to get that lovely smell in the morning, lol, but for my friends stealth grow. Cheers for any advise!
  8. Secretan


    Ok... So I've got a small grow, in a cupboard. I am currently flowering (for about 2 days flowering) two plants under a 250w Red CFl and have a few clones under a 125w CFL (in different sections). :S Kinda just got busted by a parents... They are cool enough with it, but it means that I have to...
  9. Secretan


    Ok... So I've got a small grow, in a cupboard. I am currently flowering (for about 2 days flowering) two plants under a 250w Red CFl and have a few clones under a 125w CFL (in different sections). :S Kinda just got busted by a parents... They are cool enough with it, but it means that I have to...
  10. Secretan

    Bag of trimmings!

    A lovely lady friend of mine just handed me a carrier bag of lovely trimmings. They were off a mature plant, that had flowered. Smells lovely. But... What do I do with them? How easy is it to make hash please? Or... any other suggestions. Already had some tasty rasta pasta! Cheers guys! :joint:
  11. Secretan

    Anyone tried Xpat?

    Wanna get some seeds.... Need a site the accepts paypal! Has anyone tried Xpat? Many thanks :joint:
  12. Secretan

    Distance from lights?

    I have a small grow cupboard only about 3 foot high, :joint:, Wanna get a 150w HID sodium lamp in there. On the FAQ it says 100 to 200 watts should be heard about 2 foot away from the plant? Is this true? Can I reduce this distance? Thanks for your help :joint::peace:
  13. Secretan

    My grow room

    I'm setting up my grow room. Its a stealth grow, (of sorts), In a out cupboard. Am hoping to have to parts, one for vegging, clones and seedlings, the other for flowering. I've got a vegging compartment; 56cm tall, 40cm wide and 35 cm long, and in there I have a 125 watt CFL (Blue). My...
  14. Secretan

    LED for my Clones/Mothers?

    Im currently making my second grow cupboard (My first grow was very small... and box like). Im gonna have 2 sections this time, One with a 250watter in it, for flowering, and the other for clones/mother. I was thinking about getting a LED kit? Is that a bad idea? Heat is a big issue at the...
  15. Secretan

    Getting paranoid! Advise.

    Ok, I live in a tiny village in the middle of no where. (England). Barely ever see a police officer in the village let alone a copter. I was wondering what the chances my grow room will be detected by IR scanners? Do the police do routine checks? I mean, Im about to start my grow 1.5, In a...
  16. Secretan

    Lsa/kratom Mix?

    SWIM is gonna extract some LSA from hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, using a non polar solvent, (to get rid of the nasty bits), then using ethanol (a polar solvent) to extract the good stuff. I was wondering; the 'good' molecules in Nutmeg and kratom (which I have plenty of), are should be...
  17. Secretan


    Bring bring! (Goes the alarm). I wake up. 7:00 am. Relies its a Wednesday. Wednesdays are always the slowest days. Not quite near enough to next weekend to get excited, but to far away from last weekend to inspire any joy. 'Plik!' goes the timer on my grow. A child like smile lights up my...
  18. Secretan


    At this point in time I'm growing under CFLs, But just bought a cheap, second hand 125w grow set. It arrived today, (I got really excited, wanted to plug it in... ), But the plug was cut off :cry: (Apparently some sort of regulations? Cant send items with the plug on?). Anywho, I just about...
  19. Secretan

    S.o.s! (save Our Seedlings)

    HELP! Ok Its my 1st grow, and Ive got 2 seedlings out at the moment, (another 3 on the way I hope). They are about 4 days old, with the 2nd set of leaves just coming through. I left them outside today,in a plastic propagator, but its been a really hot day, and when i got back the leaves are...
  20. Secretan

    Lighting anygood?

    Just started my 1st grow, very basic, have 8 x 20 watt CFLs (Half/Half on colours) Saw this on ebay hydrophonics grow light + 125w bulb RRP £99.99+ "WOW" on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 02-Jul-08 14:41:28 BST) Would it be better? Its not...