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  1. D

    Nuts problem? Heat? or something else?

    Hi so my 2.5 week flowering plant is having issues mostly the problems are at the top. Below is a picture of the top leaves which have turned part yellow where others are fine. (sorry about the pic the lights mess with my cam) The tips are turning a little yellow maybe brown but the other...
  2. D

    Nut problem? Heat? or something else?

    wrong forum sorry
  3. D

    flowers (not bud yet) seems to be turning brown on the tips and drooping

    i couldn't get a great pic of it but ill give ya the best i've got. Its at 2 weeks tomorrow into flowering autoflowering ak47 going based on what they sent me it is on a 20/4 hour light I am using ff big bloom and tiger bloom in a bubbleponics(last time) system with cfl and 2 duel spec 2 lights...
  4. D

    A little advice from the wise people who know more

    Im just looking for a little advice from more advanced people. I am growing auto flowering ak47 using a bubbleponics system (first-last time) I will be switching to the rockwool with drip line watering as soon as i get my delivery. Ph is at 6 right now Fed with fox farm nuts. I know my...
  5. D

    What can I really expect to see?

    This is a noob question i know so im sorry about that but I read people saying you will not get more then a 6-7 oz off of 3 plants when growing indoors but a good amount of the seeds ive looked at say they on average yield 300-450g . I guess my question would be is what they're saying they will...