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  1. Devish

    400w RDWC, Stealth-ish Large Closet- Starbud & Sour Amnesia - Reboot

    4 Site RDWC in a large closet. The action so far: 1/18 4 seeds planted, kept at a cozy temps for germination. Inoculated germination water with Hydroguard as a preventative. 2 Starbud (Feminized - Cannabis Cup winner) 2 Sour Amnesia Starting with a freshly cleaned system - able to maintain...
  2. Devish

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia

    400w RDWC, Arduino Controlled - Starbud & Sour Amnesia So, I decided to start a journal for this grow, mostly to help keep track of the grow. I'm growing feminized Starbud and Sour Amnesia (from seed). 4 plants total, two of which are 'guaranteed' to be females and two I am rolling the dice...