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  1. xxxtyrantxxx

    Whats with people rolling trashy joints?

    fyi this is going to be a hell of a rant, im really sick of smoking bad joints and i need to get this off my chest. im curious if you guys have ever encountered a roll so bad that you have to re-roll to smoke it. Last night i was hangin with some old buddies smokin some grass. Someone passes...
  2. xxxtyrantxxx

    Curing in different containers?

    What containers can I cure in? Can I do in in a pill bottle? Does it HAVE to be a jar?
  3. xxxtyrantxxx

    Stinky room?

    As some know, Ive been forced to harvest early, and i need to do to do it tonight. Im just harvesting one cola (about one and a half inch wide and about 6 inches long) and about 4 small premature popcorn buds Im wondering if the room i dry it in will reek since it is not alot of bud. i want...
  4. xxxtyrantxxx

    Forced to harvest early, suggestions?

    I'm being forced to harvest early, due to a few reasons. One, there is a frost, and two, someone saw me checking my plant in the middle of the night with a camera and a flashlight. Should I be flushing with molasses every night instead of every other day? I really want to make the buds as big...
  5. xxxtyrantxxx

    advice/remainder of grow thread

    Well guys, My outdoor indica which i started somewhere between may and june has been flowering for a while, i don't know exactly how long, but I would say 4-5 weeks. The plant is 1 foot 5 inches in height. Small i know, but it is beautiful and stinky. Very healthy plant, should yield me about...
  6. xxxtyrantxxx

    looking for good indica

    I need a high yielding indica for next outdoor season. has to be indica though, short, stubby and high yielding. anyone have any suggestions?
  7. xxxtyrantxxx

    Is this bad or good?

    Well, ive been noticing some hairs on my buds turning brown, but the rest are still white with a VERY slight brown on a few. just a few of them are turning brown and curling up. Its about 4 or 5 weeks flowering now(80% indica). The buds are not big at all...its kind of depressing :( will they...
  8. xxxtyrantxxx

    Bugs AHH!!

    What can I do to ward off bugs? Like Japanese beetles, mainly. I checked my shrub today, and its got a few beetles on it and I want to take care of them before its too late. Would a spray of cayenne pepper and water do the trick?
  9. xxxtyrantxxx

    should I top?

    I'm pretty psyched, I have got nothing but males from this bag until now, and its a very healthy female :D I have an outdoor indica bagseed(probably 95%incida) which is short and sort of lanky until the top growth, but very healthy. the top growth is bushy and little white hairs are all over...
  10. xxxtyrantxxx

    Short grow with small pots?

    I have seen SOG done with 20z bottles, I have some small pots and I have a stealth micro grow going, but the pots I have been using are too big and they dont leave much grow space. is it safe to grow in a smaller pot without them getting root bound? They usually grow at a max of 11 months.
  11. xxxtyrantxxx

    watering with coffee?

    Has anyone tried or heard of watering with coffee? I know that you can put grounds in the soil for the nitrogen , but would it be beneficial to water it with straight coffee instead of mixing it in?
  12. xxxtyrantxxx

    Skunky sprout?

    I have some bagseed plants sprouted, one of them is about 2 weeks old, and is surely an indica judging by the leaf broadness. ever since i started growing, i smell my plants vegetating. I know its weird, but it smells nice to me, that green plant smell. However, one of them(the indica) is...
  13. xxxtyrantxxx

    Nute burn?

    My new growth is browning at the tip of the leaves, its not green anymore, but a sickly green. I cannot get pictures atm, but i will try to get them before the end of the night. I am to understand that nute burn starts at the lower leaves, but this is happening to the second branches and new...
  14. xxxtyrantxxx

    Smoking males then females:Pollination in chest?

    I just read something about smoking male flowers and pollen, then smoking female flowers leading to seeds growing in your chest, which will lead to an infection. This story has an overwhelming smell of warm dogshit, but I thought it would be worthwhile to ask here. is this bs or is it possible?
  15. xxxtyrantxxx

    CFL bagseed computer case grow(12/12 from seed)

    I got some unknown bagseed growing in my old computer case. Looks to be a female judging by the preflowers. under 2 23W CFL and one 20W CFL. I dont know how old she is because I didnt bother to remember when i planted. This is 12/12 from seed. as you can see, i started to LST a little it...