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  1. MrKushumz

    Weed Tea Need Help ASAP

    here a lil backround on my situation, my aunt has cancer it started in the stomach n spread now its goin to her brain. our whole family had a talk n all decided marijuana would b a good choice to keep her last couple of months left on earth as pain free as possible soo0o basically shes not guna...
  2. MrKushumz

    wat can you turn hash into?

    is there anyway u can use a hash a diffrent way like turn it into somethin??
  3. MrKushumz

    Sour D/Jack::.Need helppp

    Ok heres the situation. 1stt grow up got fucked up due to a unfourtunet reason. it was 3 plants with 1 real jewel. It was a stinky ass sour d plant(Seed obtained from a bag a while back of some 0fficial sour). Luckly before getting rid of the plant we took clones. The jack on the other hand is...
  4. MrKushumz

    can this make hash?

    ok well i had a 3plant grow fucked up ,so stuck with 3 plants 2weeks into 12/12 and they are cut up. i was wondering if its possible to make the plant into hash now? and if so how?
  5. MrKushumz

    Help with flowering..

    Ok so my plants just entered the flowering process only 1 day ago. And ive read all over the site how people cut off certain parts to make the main cola bigger. my question is what exactly am i trying to cut here? just the shoots or the fan leaves themselfs of the fanleaves just...
  6. MrKushumz

    How good is topping?

    Ive seen alot of the post with people that toppd their plants and everything looks realy good. But they rele never discuss the actual benifit of topping, the yield lol. What i was wondering was how much of a diffrence in yeild r u expecting wen ur topping a plant as apposed to just a normal...
  7. MrKushumz

    Transpoting Plants..

    I was wondering, if need it be, what is the best way to transport lets say 2 plants, a hour or so away. Is this do-able and if so what would be the best way to go about it?
  8. MrKushumz

    Can they get a warrent

    yesterday unfortunitly me n my friend were arrested we were in a resturant parkin lot smokin weed and all of a sudden 2 d'z ran up on us n he had a gud amount of weed on him about 12 grams newayyy he said it was his shit and they charged me with the blunt clip i m now facing criminal possesion...
  9. MrKushumz

    Lost 1 side of the plant....

    alright well recently with 1 of my crops, my cfl light fixture fell and layed against one unfourtunet side of the plant.... it was wierd to look at b/c one half of the plant was completly fine, but the other side was completely burnt crisp, so i made a choice to cut off all the dead leafs. and...
  10. MrKushumz

    Bottled C02??

    quick question, when u use bottled c02 insted of just releasing c02 in the room, what kind of bottled c02 r u looking for, just any carbonated water will work? and also i wanted to kno, how much do you try to spray on them, and shud this be done durin veg or flowerin....thanksz
  11. MrKushumz

    Hash yields?

    Hi, im new to the site and have a question... Is there a ratio or some sorta way to tell how much hash u will be able to get from lets say 4oz?..thankxz