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  1. aphextecthe796

    nute burn or somethin else?

    ok so i am 21 days into flower. i just flushed all plants two days ago because i noticed that some of the lower fan leaves were turning a yellow green. then to yellow then to brown. the whole time the veins on leaves are purple. i thought it was nute burn but maybe nitrogen im not sure thats why...
  2. aphextecthe796

    should i flower or not?

    these babies have been under my 400 mh for 26 days and look very good. i am wondering what peoples opinions are for when i should start to flower here are pics i took today
  3. aphextecthe796

    not sure on what bug i got

    i noticed yesterday that i have these gnat or mosquito like bugs living on my soil, miracle gro. i am running five plants 400mh in veg right now 20 hrs of light, and i water about a regular size water bottle once a day split between all five plants. what are these, they are to small for a pick...
  4. aphextecthe796

    First grow beginning setup just started TODAY

    Just started my first attempt at growing. with that said just picked up 400w switchable to MH and HPS. i am just setting this up and am not finished with the room. i am running this first attempt with soil. i am going to try and make one of the clones i have my mom. the clones have been outside...
  5. aphextecthe796

    i was curious to know of anyone else who has tried LED's. my buddy has a setup running on straight LED's and its pretty damn good i think. i have tried all.....HPS MH and T5 High output. CF's arent the best but run cool......HPS and MH are the best but are costly and run hot........i am looking...