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  1. M

    can u take cuttings in 12/12, and revegg.?

    The plants r bout4feet and been in12/12. Since the19 th , and I don't think the t5 light will make it down to the bottom
  2. M

    12/12 for 12 days jackherer, kandy kush,ww , hows it look ,pics!!!!

    so im thinking that the t5s im using isnt going to b enough to flower these plants the way they need to b, if i add a 400 watt hps should that at least double the end result, to b honest the plants r over 3 feet tall and from the middle down there is no pistol production, any advice will b...
  3. M

    need info on kandy kush, thc , yield,.......

    Have some flowering kandy kush, I got them as freebies from sos, I can't find any info on them , if anyone haw any info about yield,thc content, ame how Long to flower roughly , thanks guys..:
  4. M

    12/12 oder question

    I've noticed that since I switched to 12/12 the oder isnt that strong anymore, is this normal?
  5. M

    how long does it take for cuttings to snap out of it

    I took 2 cuttings on 1/16 and they are standing up now but not growing and I took 50 more on the 22 nd and these ones are mostly all hanging over, so my question is how long does it take for these cuttings to come back from the shock ,I used rooting powder , I used rockwool for some and promix...
  6. M

    do flowers come from the pistols

    Just curious , the flower grows from the pistol site or does some new growth appear
  7. M

    day 49, 12/12 4days ago, jack herer ,kandy kush, ww, have afew questions pics!!!!!

    germed for 21 days, vegged for 24 days, jack herer is 30 inches, kandy kush r between 26-32 inches, and the same for the white widow and the northen lights is only 18 inches, i think i can confirm two females {kk} , the jack looks to b female same with the nl but two of the white widows look...
  8. M

    started 12/12 three days ago and the plants grew 2-3 inches , is that normal?

    Is this normal, they vegged for 26 days and were 22-26 inches , 12-16 nodes , i'm worried cause i onpy have a foot left.
  9. M

    finally, heres the pics , now can i get some assistance please , need advice,

    ok so heres the first grow with white widow , kandy kush , and a sour and jack herer cross that stinks, all r 36 days old and i believe about 10-12 nodes high , im assuming that the little growths im seeing at the nodes r preflowers the kandy kush has the white pistols and the white widow i...
  10. M

    quick question regarding pre flowering

    have 10 plants , 35 days old, 12 nodes high give or take, they started showing these little things at most of upper nodes , preflowers i assume, 1 showed 2 pistols right away the rest havent made any new progress so the question is how long does it take for these things to show , open up...
  11. M

    see pistol's, can i now take cuttings or do i wait?

    i have jack herer and kandy kush , planted from seed on 12/3 and they r 10 nodes high with a insane amount of side branches all,3inches to 8 inches tall , 3 nodes on each side branch , CAN I TAKE CUTTINGS NOW on the ones that have the two white pistols {girls}, right,...
  12. M

    need help,REALLY!!!!!!

    I have amazing 3 week olds and something went wrong , please tell me how to get the pics from my phone to this page so i can get some help before shit goes super really bad ,i have growing ---nl, white widow, kandy kush, jack herer and sour diesal...
  13. M

    need help, burnt or low PH, or something else?

    planted on 12-3 every thing was going great until other day, im on my 5th node already the leaves were starting to curl from side to side "like folding", i added a bout 3 eye drops of grow, and 3 of micro to like 2-3 gallons of water the total ppm was 210 and the water alone is 144 ppm ,then...
  14. M

    need help with PH, will vinigar lower PH?

    have 2 week olds and all is well but im concerned about the PH ,planted in promix no nutes yet, how do i get a reliable PH read and how do i adjust PH ,i think its about 7 or 7.5 and how do i check the nutrient levels
  15. M

    need some advice with 6 day old plants

    the plants r 6 days old and have 2 nodes, all look healthy , when can i start to feed micro and grow nutes? ph stays at 7.0 ,if i can feed them , i hae GH FLORA 3 PART and a ppm tester , what to do, what to due
  16. M

    pictures from phone?

    just started new grow and i have the pics on my phone ,how do i get them from phone to post or to my journel, i know its possible im just not good with these gadgets, need all the help i can get
  17. M

    ppm tester ,do i need one? needto know now!!

    im about 2-3 days from planting seeds, im going with a promix-perlite mix and 2 dwc setups , i have that 3 part flora nute shit, do i need a ppm tester,i need to know now so i can order it in time before i use the nutes ,thanks
  18. M

    crushing up rockwool?

    can i take rockwool and crush it up and make a small bed for the seeds? or make my own size cubes?
  19. M

    Sea of seeds, excellent stealth option and 8day delivery to east coast

    I orderd from sos on 11-18 ,got tracking # next day and today i got package in mail everything that was suppose to be there was there, i orderd 10 white widow beans and they gave me 6 free beans all great stains , the 6 free ones would be more $ then my order if they were sold individually, so...
  20. M

    Did i get past customs yet?

    beans just landed in U.S. "processed thru sort facility, ICS, CHICAGO,IL" DID I GET PAST CUSTOMS YET? HOW LONG TILL "PACKAGE" GETS TO NEW JERSEY?