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  1. ups420

    is one of these buds healthier than the other

    or is it just the genetics
  2. ups420

    little wind damage from ida

    will it right itself or is it too heavy and needs to be staked? it kinda looks like it’s trying to curve back up
  3. ups420

    noob question about budlet development

    are these budlets on the main cola going to merge together or will they all stay separate? never gotten this far and very curious
  4. ups420

    hurricane damaged!

    Background...started with 7 plants out in the woods I'm down to 2(nature killed 3 and 2 were males) I'm about a month into budding...everything was going great feeding with a 5-10-5 nute and molasses every other watering buds were looking great and thought I'd get something...
  5. ups420

    first outdoor guerilla grow

    So I'm trying my first guerilla grow... I'm about 3 weeks in and I'm about to start using nutes and molasses when I water my site is close enough to go see as often as I need to...I prefer to go in the early morning hours but occassionally will go during the day... I'm trying to remember...
  6. ups420

    need info fast

    what if... i was growing marijuana, 2 plants in flowering...and there might be a possibility of a search warrant being issued for my place for theft or stolen property...would i face anything for the plants? need info fast, not just random advice...don't mean to sound a little...
  7. ups420

    mushroom popped up in my pot(pics incl)

    so i went to check my plants today and i was stunned to see a 3 inch mushroom in the pot what should i do???
  8. ups420

    is this excessive?

    this is my flowering setup, as the pic says 17 total bulbs, my veg setup is 6 bulbs, will this be enough to get a mother going and start a perpetual harvest?
  9. ups420

    Super croping

    Does anyone have some info on super croping or pinching the buds?
  10. ups420

    Conferm female

    I already think its female but just want some1 to conferm it
  11. ups420

    my first yield...

    okay, so i'm on my first grow, and i'm trying not to get my expectations up to high, so i was wondering if you guys remember what your first yields were per plant, and if you would mind sharing...from what i've read 4 to 6 oz. is the norm, but it can easily be lower and rarely is higher
  12. ups420

    is there anything i need to do before switching over to flower

    i'm switching over to flower on monday and i'm wondering if there are any preparations needed before switching the hours over to 12/12? any flushing or adding my bloom nutes the first day of flowering or should i wait til a couple days of flowering to add the bloom nutes, i am scheduled to water...
  13. ups420

    is it bad to touch your plants

    just wondering if it is bad to touch your plants with your bare hands?
  14. ups420

    touching your plants

    can anyone tell me if touching your plants with bare hands is bad, and if so how bad? i occassionally move my newer branches around so they can pass through the fan leaves and continue growing
  15. ups420


    so i think i got a female using the banana theory am i right?
  16. ups420


    i want to do one final transplant before flowering, i'm going from a 4.75L to a 13L pot, can i do this without destroying the first pot?
  17. ups420

    auto watering

    has anyone seen the informercial for aqua globes? Aqua Globes Plant Watering System - Water Globes it says it adds water to the plant as necessary, so it's impossible to overwater or underwater...and allows oxygen to get in or out or something, anyone heard of this?
  18. ups420

    Question about nutes

    so everyone but me seems to be putting their nutes in their nutes tell you to spread the nutes on top of the soil underneath all the i doing it wrong? also the nutes have an npk of 16-4-8 is this okay for veg?
  19. ups420

    Newbie first grow 4 1/2 wks

    so this is my first serious grow, tried twice before, once just using a single fluorescent light, and once just giving the plant 12 hours of sunlight a day. so my basic setup is in my closet, it's 5 long 2 feet deep and 5 feet tall...i currently have 2 100w equivalent cfls, not sure what the...
  20. ups420

    Are they Preflowers?

    Yellow one is only on 2 branches the 2nd and 3rd from the top. you cant tell what it looks like but its looks like a ball on a stick And red one is on all branches. and its looks pointy