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  1. H

    Do you pull apart your top colas at harvest?

    Curious if you guys chop the big monsters off, dry, then pull apart the individual buds into jars or do you leave the big ol' chunks intact? I personally pull everything apart so the weight is pure bud. I don't sell though.
  2. H

    My massive yield...3 gallon pots

    Well...600 watts and things went apeshit...any questions?
  3. H

    Nirvana Aurora Indica about to pop ++HD PICS++

    Was talking with a fellow member about my newest strain, Aurora Indica, from Nirvana. He grew them and liked them and I am digging them as well. They are 7+ into 12/12 under a 600. These are 4 plants. The one in the back right is FIM'd for 4 tops. Back left, single cola and front 2 are a...
  4. H

    Nirvana Bubblicious Harvest..first time my own grow ever....boom!

    Hi..just did a thread about my Nirvana Auroras' that are thriving. Everyone was very complimentery of my current grow, so I thought you would allow me to flex a bit and show my first personal grow ever. I've had my hand in many but this one is mine. Quick rundown 4 plants..vegged/flowered...
  5. H

    Are my Nirvana Fem Auroras' mutants?

    Every leaf has 11 blades...all 4 plants. Nothing out of the ordinary other than that. Growing like mad. Any comments on it?
  6. H

    mega cheap drying rack

    Thought you guys might dig this. My friend just gave me 2 for harvest next week. Super Cheap. Looks like it will work great. I plan on cutting the floor out of 1 level for colas.
  7. H

    Scrubber/passive vents tent question

    I have a 4 x 4 tent and am about to go into flower for the first time ever. I operate now with 2 of the 3 passive vent flaps open. Temps have been absolutely perfect throughout veg. My concern is that when the flowers start to stink that although I have a scrubber inside the tent, as well as...
  8. H

    switching back and forth from t5 HO to halide....

    So I have kinda of a staggered growing setup. I t5 HO until they are about 16" and then put them into flower in a tent with a halide for a month or so then I flower. Occassionally, the schedule is such where I have nothing goin on in the tent. Is it damaging or stressful to plants to say, put...
  9. H

    light for unsprouted seeds...

    Hello...planted seeds in starter plugs and put them under 1 57 watt high output flouro at 10" for about 24 hours now. They are also on a heating pad under a dome. Now I'm reading they shouldn't be in light til AFTER they sprout. Have I done irreperable damage and now they wont sprout? Put em'...
  10. H

    t5 way too hot

    Heard t5's were cheaper and cooler. Went to home depot got a 4ft 4bulb HIGH OUTPUT fixture. got it home.......BAM!!! 95 to the!?!?!?! Everybody talking about 1 or 2 inches from the plant????? Serious? That would burn the shit outta them. What should I do...
  11. H

    weird nuclear leaves???

    I'm a noob but I know what pot leaves look like....all over all 4 of my plants are leaves with A)odd shaped leaves B) 2 leaves c)3 leaves. My guide mentioned it was a clone of a clone x a zillion...not sure if that matters. 85% of the leaves are normal 5 leavers....but 15% are martian leaves...
  12. H

    First grow temp ?

    This has been driving me crazy. If you were on a tight budget yet QUALITY AND NON AIRY buds are a MUST, and had to make a choice, would you: A) go without the AC (save loot) and keep tent doors open (lose light lumens) during veg stage light and see high temps at canopy level of 84 and 77 on...
  13. H

    Please help me...

    Hi. This is my first grow. Bubblicious from Nirvana seed co. 600 watts running 18-6. No nutes at all yet after a month. Fox Farms Ocean soil. Checked ph. Water a little when hydro thingy reads dry to medium. 80 degrees tops. Fans galore. Noticed yellowing of leaves and slightly burnt...