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  1. joeshmo

    T5 vs. CFL

    Alright so I have 3 8" mothers and a clone humidity tub all veggin in about 2' by 3' space under 4 42w 2700L cfls, on 24hours. I have the option to buy a 2'-4 bulb T5 setup from a friend for $100 might be able to get it for around 80 if I do some wheelin n dealin. Seeing how I have 650w hps in...
  2. joeshmo

    Cloning Light Schedule Question

    alright i gotta question for yall about cloning. i just finished my first grow and about to start my next. heres the deal my buddies have 4 big ass (24-30") females that have been flowering for just enough time to know they r females and they want to top them and give me the clones from the top...