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  1. Z

    Fuckin BORED, need a laugh! Suggest a funny (not abusive/violent) cat video!! (LISTEN TO THE MUSIC)
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    FUCK!! Frustrated w/heat OR positive pressure. Fan type question

    Would a 4" inline Vortex rated at 172 cfm actually be better than my 6" inline duct booster fan from Lowes which is rated at 240cfm? I've read a few places that a duct booster fan has no pressure so even though it's rated higher it's effectiveness is cut up to 75% when you get the carbon...
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    How long do you hold your smoke in?

    So I've heard all sorts of stuff. How long is optimum for holding your smoke in to give your lungs enough time to absorb as much THC as possible from a toke? I've heard as long as possible to only 3 seconds......other opinions?
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    If you're asking yourself "What is the purpose of my life?".........

    I recommend a documentary called "Finding Joe" by Patrick Takaya Solomon. It won't answer your question, but it provides a helpful framework in which to think about your life, and might help you understand where you're getting stuck. It's about Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey.
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    Anyone ever tried this?

    I was thinking to maximize yield in a small space w/a pretty quick turn around has anyone ever tried growing a couple of plants 12/12 from seed, harvesting them (when ready) but leave maybe the bottom few branches on and just keep it going 12/12 sort of like a perpetual grow or would you need to...
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    Great movie to watch when baked (or not!)

    "I Am" by Tom Shadyac :clap:
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    Where do I find on of these in the U.S.?

    Anyone know where to find this in the U.S.? Only getting a UK website. Thanks.
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    Where can I find a 120v (w/power cord) 3 or 4" round fan?

    Hey all, I'm wanting to add at least 1 intake fan to my DR60 tent. I've got 2 ports near the bottom that are 4" in diameter, but very little clearance between my tent and the wall of the closet. I wanted to put a 3-4" diameter round fan that would just plug into the wall to help w/air intake...
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    How loud would this high velocity fan be on outside of my grow tent?

    Hey everyone, thinking about getting this fan/filter combo from htg supply: I only have a DR60 (24" x 24" x 55") grow tent so I'd need to put the fan on the outside of the tent and pull the air through the...
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    Interesting info on how to pass a whiz quiz Let's hope that someday this won't even be an issue for adults who smoke responsibly....seriously...what are we...7 years old?
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    Cool technique for re-vegging a harvested plant--good for noob

    First, I'm a noob and just had my first harvest of 1 plant (all the space I had). I couldn't stand the thought of just having this one shot at this strain (Dinafem Royal Haze Sativa dominant), but I also didn't have the $ to buy cloning gel, etc. and because I screwed up and almost killed her...
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    Holy Shit! Still feeling my cookies after 18 hours!!!!

    So I made my first batch of cannabutter and made chocolate chip cookies last night. Ate the first cookie at 5:00 p.m. yesterday and it's now 18 hours later and I'm still partially baked (woke up that way!)!! I ended up eating a total of 4 cookies over the course of 2 hours. I can't believe...
  13. Z what do we think? Still 3 more weeks?

    Hey everyone, I posted some pics recently (not very good pics) and asked how long till harvest. The trichs on the leaves are definitely telling me she's ready, but the 1 little bud I checked still did not have amber hardly at all. I got advice that I still had 3-4 more weeks just a few days...
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    Question a/b Trichs in different locations of plant

    Hey RIU, so I'm probably w/in a week of my first harvest. I've been looking at the trichs and I've been looking at leaves from 3 different locations (low/mid/high) of the plant for the past week. According to the trichs on the leaves, I'd probably harvest now (little clear, mostly milky and...
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    What are we talking for early/late high or just different?

    I've been reading a lot about harvest timing/trichome color/degradation of THC, etc. I understand there's an optimal time frame to harvest based on trichome color but it seems there's the opinion out there that if you wait too long then you are ruining the entire crop. So my question is this...
  16. Z

    Spiritual Emergency--anyone out there survive this?

    If you have experienced this, what happened and how did you get through it? For those that haven't heard of this term before....this goes FAR beyond a little crisis in fucks up your entire life and some people kill themselves or end up in a psych ward. It's nothing to fuck around...
  17. Z

    How frequently do/can you trip?

    I've read that b/c of tolerance build up tripping once a month will guarantee it's all out of your system, but I've read that 4-7 days is the minimum you should wait between trips. What's everyone here do and if you wait 1 week, do you find you have to dose higher for it to work?
  18. Z

    How many of you stayed in 1 gallon pot w/sterilite cfl grow?

    Hey, I'm about 1 week from putting my girl (Dinafem Royal Haze) into flowering. Obviously I'm in a very small space inside of a stealth sterilite grow box so I've only transplanted once into a 1 gallon pot. I know it's not that big but I'm lst'ing so my question is how many others have stayed...
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    Should I intentionally make my girl stretch? PICS

    Hey RIU, so I'm trying to LST my girl (Dinafem Royal Haze--Sativa dominant but both sativa/indica) but she is very bushy and her nodes are very close together, making it a little difficult to LST right now. She's about 26 days from sprout in these pics. I'm using CFL/rubbermaid set up so I...
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    Is this a reputable guide + 1 more question a/b # of cc's

    Hey everyone, wanting to try to grow shrooms for the first time. I know there are those $150.00 kits and all, but from my reading, it seems this can be done much more inexpensively. If I follow these steps, is this a good guide? Also, I think...