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  1. 420man88

    Check out my pics in Bongs,pipes ect

    Name of Pics is collection
  2. 420man88

    Green piss

    Any one else find after blazing a good amount that your piss turns green? i find that it happens to me unless im just mad toasted.
  3. 420man88

    Question about quick Cure

    I just snipped a bud off one of my plants of corse its not ready to be smoked but i am wondering if theres a quick way to cure it just so i can give it a try
  4. 420man88

    When to Harvest

    Just wondering about a couple things is it possible to harvest the cola first and let the plant keep growing the other other lower buds? Also what are some signs that a plant is ready to harvest? i am in prob my 6-7 week flowering.
  5. 420man88

    Some Help Please!

    I Have a 150 watt envirolite is this good enough for every stage of growth? (not looking for max yield just some bud) And i have gone to 12/12 for about 2 weeks to see if they were females and they are, is it ok to go back to 20 + hours? to let them grow some more. will i lose this 2 weeks of...
  6. 420man88

    150 watt envirolite

    Just wondering if my 150 watt envirolite will be good enough to grow?...also after i have sexed the plants is it ok to put them back on to about 18 hours or more of light?
  7. 420man88

    First Grow

    I'm currently in my first grow and i have 3 plants, how long should i wait till i set it to 12\12? does size or time matter when setting it to 12/12?..the plants are currently growing leaves out the sides of the stem now and one male already started budding so i removed it. Also one of the...