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  1. M

    Cannabinoids kill cancer cells, cannabis oil can treat cancer

    There has been over 800 peer reviewed studies that have shown in animal studies and tissue culture that endocannabinoids (the ones are body produces naturally and phytocannabinoids (from cannabis plant) kill cancer cells. Then there is a huge amount of anecdotal evidence from people who have...
  2. M

    Leaves turning light green in patches on vanilla kush

    Could anyone help me with this problem. This is the 16th day since i planted the germinated seeds. My leaves are a bit patchy, they started going light green. I have foilar sprayed them with a product called ocean sollutions mineralizer,(it contains over 80 elements from the ocean) but i did...
  3. M

    Coolmist humidifier in closet

    I thought i'd share my experience with the coolmist humidifier and 12V PC fan blowing over the lamps and seedlings, I have 2 fluorescent PL-L 55W lamps. They dont give off much heat but up close the temperature gets hotter , without the humidifier blowing mist onto the plants it was 91F 3 inches...
  4. M

    First time grow in grow closet in bathroom

    I am new to the site and thought i'd create this thread to show how i'm growing and to get some advice. So I have germinated 4 Vanilla kush feminised seeds in paper towel and put them into peat pellets 8 days ago when the taproot was about 1cm. I have them under 2 55W PL-L lamps 6500K (4550...