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  1. tallen

    Bennies(heisenburg tea) and neem oil (or other gnat treatments)??

    I've been fighting gnats for about 3 years now, using mosquito dunks(BTI) to keep them under control and hydroguard and pondzyme for beneficial bacteria (I'm in flood trays in case your wondering). Well anyway, shit went sideways cuz I wasn't on top of it and I got root rot AND gnat population...
  2. tallen

    Water pump recommendation for flood tables?

    I was using Ecoplus 396 pumps for my RDWC and had no problem with them being ran continuously, but I switched to flood tables and they don't last being cycled on and off. I'm going through pumps like crazy now, they last at the most 3 weeks! Just had one only last 2 days and pulled my last...
  3. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    So, once again I've got some slime in my RDWC buckets, seems to happen at least once every run. With all the bennies I cycle through the res I can keep it in check and usually get rid of it all the way, but I'm tired of having to deal with it. I just picked up some flood tables and am going to...
  4. tallen

    Getting Flood Tables-Looking for Advice & Pointers

    Going to switch from RDWC to flood tables and looking for advice. Getting three 3x4 trays to fit in my 5x10 tent under 2 1000 watt lights. Perpetual grow harvesting every 3 weeks with a 9 week strain. I'll be happy with a pound per table once I've gotten past the learning curve. Not sure what...
  5. tallen

    Will perpetual cloning keep new clones immature?

    If I clone while the plant is still immature (symmetrical nodes), will the maturity clock "reset" or will it mature at about the same time as the mother plant? And if it stays immature longer, can you keep doing this repeatedly or will the clones eventually mature to quickly to get new immature...