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  1. R

    Smoking with pleurisy?

    Well the past few days I've been having chest pains whenever i cough, take a deep breath, or swallow. So I finally got around to seeing the doctor today and I was diagnosed with pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the pleura surrounding the lungs. It hurts like a bitch, and the prick didn't...
  2. R

    Windex Weed?

    So I just picked up a half from my guy, get home with it get ready to smoke. So I open up the bag take a big whiff and it smells like straight windex. I called up the dude and he sweared that it just smelt weird and that he'd been smoking it all day. I looked around and some sites said that the...
  3. R

    There Will Be Bud

    YouTube - There Will Be Bud parody of There Will Be Blood pretty funny
  4. R

    Anyone watching the nba playoffs?

    I've been watching all week, it's pretty addictive. I wouldn't mind watching a celtics lakers final, but I wouldn't mind seeing lebron and kobe match up either. btw anyone see where josh howard admitted that he smokes weed and that most of the players in the nba smoke in the offseason and...
  5. R

    Making Hash

    I'm trying to make some hash since I've never had any before and I want this to be a very special 420. I have a mini food processor(any problems using this?) that I'll use to grind up the bud and get the crystals. Then put them in plastic and press them with a heated knife. Anyone got any...
  6. R

    420 is here

    It's 4/20 on the east coast, been blazing all day with some friends. Time to relax and hit the bong. :blsmoke: :peace:
  7. R

    What are you doing for 4/20?

    Alright so it's April 4th and 4/20 is just a few weeks away. So, what are you planning to do for 4/20 or any good stories from a previous 4/20? Last year I went camping with about 7 buddies had a huge ass sesh in the woods smoked out a huge tent, so smokey you couldn't see shit. We had a first...
  8. R

    Would this light work?

    I've always thought I'd go with a 400w mh/hps light, but due to money constraints, I don't know if I will be able to buy one. So, I was wondering if a uvb light used for lizards would work? Are these good lights for plants and due they produce sufficient lighting? Thanks, Currently Baked
  9. R

    Grow Plan and Questions

    Alright I'm planning out my first grow. I've been reading everything I can and still have a few questions. I will be growing in a utility area under my house. I'm going to use a grow box, not sure what size (suggestions would be appreciated). Will either start seedlings in small cup, or...
  10. R

    What should I go with?

    First time grower, thinking of either going with some AK-47, Northern Lights, or some common BC Bud. What do you guys think I should go with? Which one grows easiest? Which has the best high? Which has the best smoke? Which looks the best? lol sorry for all the questions just want to make a good...