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  1. GreeneryCloud

    Headed to Colorado as a tourist. Any Advice?

    Head to Colorado as a tourist with my wife. Anybody got some helpful information i.e. Do's and Don't, places to go and see while there, places I should avoid. Anything that might help someone new to the state, thats just trying to burn one and chill....Thanks
  2. GreeneryCloud

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow On My Budding Plant

    My leaves are turning yellow I dont know why I started using nothing but water a couple of weeks ago and now there turning yellow. Im going into the 6week of flowering and this is a auto-flowering hercules 7dwarft plant. Any help would be greatly appericated thanks.
  3. GreeneryCloud

    HELP!!! my plants are looking saggy!

    they look a litttle saggy....any help i water every 3days i plan to change the pots soon
  4. GreeneryCloud

    Hercules 7 Dwarft Question Please Help

    Alrightly, my auto-flowering Hercules 7 dwarft plant. Started flowering about a 4weeks ago. The place i ordered it from says 9weeks from seed....can anyone help me with what this means...this is the link to the seed This is what...
  5. GreeneryCloud

    This is week 4 of veg.

    This is week 4 of the veg. state. This is a auto-flowering strain from One Seed Centre called Roadrunner. I was wondering if anyone has ever had any experience with this type of plant and if so is this the normal size of the plant. Its about 3inches tall and its been under 24hours of light since...
  6. GreeneryCloud

    Im Using a Greenhouse for my Autoflowering...Questions

    Im using a greenhouse for my autoflowering seeds. I was wondering whats an average size I should be looking at per plant? I will be using a soil mix(if anyone has any suggestions on that you are welcome to reply). Also I plan on growing some regular seeds but having them in same greenhouse...
  7. GreeneryCloud

    These plants are huge!

    Ok I see a lot of people posting pics of these plants that look more like bushes and I was wondering if this can be accomplished with the auto-flowering strains in an outdoor greenhouse.....? Im currently on my first outdoor grow opt. in central florida....Im growing "Chemdog" from GreenHouse...
  8. GreeneryCloud

    Was sup Im Cloud!!!!

    Was everybody Im cloud I really havent had much contact with other grower but I have successfully grown. A single very nice plant in my clost with a basic CFL 48watt Flourscent light. Im no pro at all and Im always open to suggestions. Thanks