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  1. S

    Few Questions.

    Allright well im about a month into flowering. theres alot of buds but not on the main stem like my other plant. I hard if you cut the other stems of the main one that the plant will concentrate more on the main stem buds. IS this true? Another question is about nutes. Ive never used any...
  2. S


    So about a year ago was my first grow. I had success. But i only yeild about a halrf ounce to and ounce. I cant use any strong ass lights like hps or mh. Im stuck with cfls but i dont have alot of money. I know how to care for plants. I was just wanting to know if theres any tips i can do so i...
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    Im ordering from nirvana-shop and sendign cash to them. Should i be worried to put a return address on the envelope? I live in the us.Also what should i include in the envelope besides the money? only the order number? And how many stamps should i put on it? thanks
  4. S

    Yellow leaves?

    My first fan leaves are yellow and the lil nubs by the first fans leaves are yellow almost black and the plant is only 3 weeks 3 days old. What should i do? pics at bottom
  5. S

    Anyone Know Where To Get?

    Anyone know where to get 5-MeO-AMT. This is kinda off topic but i thought a few may know. thanks
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    CFl Flowering?

    I know you can flower with cfls. But i dont know which watt and how many i should i go with. If possible can i just go with one bulb or would i need many?Can someone point me in the right direction at some good cfls? thanks
  7. S


    My plant was a week old today. When i looked at it last the seond set of leaves were comin out and the seed shell was blockin one adn looked like it was holdin it back. So i took the seed shell off. IS this ok? or did i fuck the plant up?
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    Is This Light?

    Im only growing one plant. Is this light good enough for a grow like that? 1 Pack High Pressure Sodium Bulb thanks
  9. S


    ! day ago i plamted my germinated seed. IM keeping my 26watt floresent light above the pot by 2-3 inches. My questions are when should i water it and how much? and HOw many days before i see a sign of the plant?