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  1. phil4567

    XXXX whie widow XXXX

    hi was just wondering if any1 grew white widow? what is it like to grow if veged properly what sort of yeild does it produce?thanks for any postsbongsmilie
  2. phil4567


    hi iv got 10 bubblegum on rooting usully use 240w to get them going with a mother,would it be possible to root under a 70w white standered house hold bulb to root? iv got 10 going if not quick change.thanks for any feed back x
  3. phil4567


    hi i was in the grow room when i noticed my pistols were like dying and gone like a black. ill upload some pics soon i thought it might be hymidity but was just looking for a second oppinion has any1 came accros this??? im growing critical mass and its just a little bit at the bottom nothing a...
  4. phil4567


  5. phil4567

    blue cheese?????

    hi,im getting me hands on some blue cheese.the way im doing it is 12 in a a 2m x 2m grow tent with 2 x 600w high pressure sodium gonna do a 12 week cycle 3 veg 9 weeks flower. a was wondering if any1 has done it like this?? and what sort of yeid came from it??? thanks for any posts:blsmoke:
  6. phil4567

    Rooting cuttings ?????

    hello there iv been doing grows for a while mostly from seed and through bought cuttings,wey iv just bought a propagator iv got a 200w energy efficent bulb and iv got 1 mother(bubble gum) and its quite bushy.iv took 20 cuttings from it and got the cuttings and mother under the same 200w...
  7. phil4567

    taking cuttings?

    i no theres a way of taking the cuttings that 2 come back.i was just wondering if any 1 cud do a diagram or explane were to take the cutting from too make that happen thanks for any posts
  8. phil4567

    any1 heard of these strains?

    hi has any1 heard of a strain called el sharicka cush,critical mass and bubble gum, just iv been offered cuttings from all them.just wundering on yeild and obviously strength??? thanks for any posts
  9. phil4567

    Skunk Strains

    hi has any1 heard of a strain called el sharicka cush,critical mass and bubble gum, just iv been offered cuttings from all them.just wundering on yeild and obviously strength??? thanks for any posts :joint:
  10. phil4567

    Scunk Strain?

    has any 1 heard off el sharicka crush??? if yous have what was it like??? thanks for any posts
  11. phil4567

    Questions on Lighting

    hi ive been glowing for a little while but always been from seed,when iv done them iv just left the lights on(400w metal halides)now iv got mother plants will i get better results from doing 18/6?i see size but will things move a little quicker by letting them rest?thanks for any posts
  12. phil4567

    I'm Cuming Up to the End

    im cuming to the end iv got 2 weeks left on paper till theyve been in flower 9 weeks add say 30% brown on the pistels its cronnic looking really well.just wondering if the crystals will appear more towards the end just a can c them but cud be better.thanks for any posts
  13. phil4567

    A Question On Lighting And Amount

    hi im thinking on steping it up a little im gonna use 4x 600w high pressure sodium lights in a room. wot would yous think in amount under that amount of light thanks for any feed back:?: :-P
  14. phil4567

    heres 1 for ya

    right,had a thought some may agree but its to do with how much it costs for using 2x400 metal halide to veg 8 plants the light is just left on 24/7.iv come up with an idea which i dont no wether it would work so hench here.u can get an adaptor that transforms from a 12 volts in ur...
  15. phil4567

    black domina cuttings

    hey,ive offered some cuttings was wondering if any1s got any feed back on this strain black domina.thanks for any feed back
  16. phil4567

    just an honest opinion

    well iv been growing for quite a while but never went down the path of buying seeds from online store.what i was wondering is wot type to go for,for yery nice smelly green that yeilds really well.the plants iv done in the past using coco soil iv avaraged 2 ounce a plant.was looking at tryng for...
  17. phil4567

    is it me or just really good luck

    is it just me or sheer good look hi a just wanted to post this cos i actully think its past coinsidence that every time iv done a grow iv done it from seed and every 1 has been a female.wot iv done all the time is had a 400w metal halide ova the pots before theyve even sprouted and just left...
  18. phil4567

    just an honest opinion

    well iv been growing for quite a while but never went down the path of buying seeds from online store.what i was wondering is wot type to go for,for yery nice smelly green that yeilds really well.the plants iv done in the past using coco soil iv avaraged 2 ounce a plant.was looking at tryng for...
  19. phil4567

    is it just me or sheer good look

    hi a just wanted to post this cos i actully think its past coinsidence that every time iv done a grow iv done it from seed and every 1 has been a female.wot iv done all the time is had a 400w metal halide ova the pots before theyve even sprouted and just left the light on 24/7 for about 5...
  20. phil4567

    Would Over Watering Cause Drooping?

    hi,iv had my plants in veg now for nearly 4 weeks and there looking really good healthy plants. im growing under 2x400w metal halide everything going well. . . .but i fed them with just water tuesday as they had food the last twice before.but iv noticed they look a bit droopy.cud this just with...