Search results

  1. T

    Reviving the Dead 2

    OK i had these plants in an AeroGarden that someone gave me. Couldnt get the pH right fast enough or the right nutes - SO - I have swapped them to soil. Thing is - they are REALLY shitty looking - pretty much all the leaves dead but they have some green left in the stem. I topped a coulple of...
  2. T

    Reviving the dead?

    OK i had these plants in an AeroGarden that someone gave me. Couldnt get the pH right fast enough or the right nutes - SO - I have swapped them to soil. Thing is - they are REALLY shitty looking - pretty much all the leaves dead but they have some green left in the stem. I topped a coulple of...
  3. T

    Purple Stems

    Stems turuning purple - nute burn? Ph level? Both maybe? I am grwoing in AG if that helps. Please help b4 they die. I have been posting in the AG section and no replies. so in a panic i flushed the reservior in case they are over-fed, at this point i couldnt just leave it like it was. My plants...
  4. T

    Clone and start over?

    OK 1st i admit to being a noobie grower - everyone was at one time right? Anyway, the plants I have now are sorta just not right for the AG - they been pruned all wrong, pH been all to hell, nutes have been God knows what b4 I got this - some went to hell just because - but some look great but...
  5. T

    Inherited Aero - need hlp

    Hey and thanks for a sweet site. Yeah I am very noobie but i have read about as much as I can absorb for the moment. I will get some pics posted asap, but let me tell you what my inherited setup is like now, and maybe someone can help me until then. OK this AG has 6 cups going - 3 have 1 each...